Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2000, 3 Mark M. Makovskij [Рец. на / Review of:] Language and speech 132-148
2000, 3 Chronicle features 149-157
2000, 3 New editions 157-159
2000, 2 Valentin L. Janin, Andrey A. Zaliznyak Birch codici from the Novgorod excavations of 1999 3-14
2000, 2 Arja Ahlqvist Merians or not Merians (I) 15-34
2000, 2 T.V. Toporova Types of cognition in Old Germanic mythopoetical pattern of the world 35-46
2000, 2 M.Yu. Mikheev On the metaphorical constructions with genitive case in Russian 47-70
2000, 2 V.V. Gurevich Modality and semantics of verbal aspect 71-78
2000, 2 V.G. Gak Was A. S. Pushkin's language influenced by French? 79-89
2000, 2 Eugene M. Vereščagin, V.G. Kostomarov A speech-behavioristic study of A. S. Pushkin's parable on the prodigal daughter 90-117
2000, 2 Anton V. Zimmerling The American linguistics of today as seen by Russian linguists 118-133
2000, 2 Vadim B. Krys’ko [Рец. на / Review of:] Н. Birnbaum, J. Schaeken. Das altkirchenslavische Wort: Bildung - Bedeutung - Herleitung. Altkirchenslavische Studien I 134-142
2000, 2 Sergei G. Tatevosov [Рец. на / Review of:] Theory of functional grammar 142-147
2000, 2 Anna A. Zalizniak [Рец. на / Review of:] T. V. Bulygina, A. D. Smelev. Language conceptualization of the world (based on the materials of Russian grammar) 148-151
2000, 2 A.A. Vinogradov [Рец. на / Review of:] Jožef Krekich. Pedagogical grammar of the Russian verb. Semantics and pragmatics 151-155
2000, 2 Chronicle features 156-159
2000, 1 A.V. Kravchenko The semiosis in the light of natural science 3-9
2000, 1 Timur A. Maisak Grammaticalization of the verbs of movement: an essay in typology 10-32
2000, 1 Yu.N. Panova The form of the future categorical tense in contemporary Persian: meaning and range of usage 33-45
2000, 1 Anatoly N. Baranov, S.I. Yushmanova Negation in idioms: semantic-syntactic restraints 46-65