Year / Number Authors Title Pages
1999, 6 V.D. Devkin [Review of:] Bol’shoi tolkovyi slovar’ russkogo yazyka [The comprehensive explanatory dictionary of the Russian language] 125-131
1999, 6 M.B. Borisova, O.B. Sirotinina [Review of:] Tolkovyi slovar’ russkogo yazyka kontsa XX veka. Yazykovye izmeneniya [Explanatory dictionary of Russian in the end of the 20th century. Language changes] 131-135
1999, 6 I.S. Ulukhanov [Review of:] E.G. Kotorova. Mezh”yazykovaya ekvivalentnost’ v leksicheskoi semantike. Sopostavitel’noe issledovanie russkogo i nemetskogo yazykov [Cross-linguistic equivalence in lexical semantics. Contrastive study of Russian and German] 135-139
1999, 6 L.A. Ilyushina [Review of:] Kniga naritsaema Koz’ma Indikoplov [The Book Called Cosmas Indicopleustes] 139-141
1999, 6 Konstantin G. Krasukhin [Review of:] F.R. Adrados, А. Bernabé, J. Mendoza. Manual de la lingüistica indoeuropea 141-148
1999, 6 Chronicle notes 149-156
1999, 6 Index of articles published in the journal “Voprosy Jazykoznanija” in 1999 157-159
1999, 5 Elena V. Paducheva The compositionality principle in non-formal semantics 3-23
1999, 5 Valentina Apresjan Concession in language and words with the meaning of concession 24-44
1999, 5 A.V. Gladkij A sketch of the formal theory of case 45-55
1999, 5 I.-E.S. Rakhmankulova Sentence-patterns and semantics of the verb in diachrony 56-63
1999, 5 G.P. Klepikova On the history of study of the Slavonic dialectal semantics (N.I. Tolstoj’s method of “semantic field”); 64-72
1999, 5 Mark M. Makovskij Mythopoetics of writing in the Indo-European languages 73-86
1999, 5 O.G. Chupryna Temporum opinio in ancient language and consciousness 87-100
1999, 5 M.I. Shapir On the textology of “Eugene Onegin” (orthography, poetics and semantics) 101-112
1999, 5 V.A. Plotnikova Two editorial versions (from the history of work on “The dictionary of Pushkin’s language”) 113-126
1999, 5 Z.A. Kharitonchik [Review of:] E.S. Kubriakova. Chasti rechi s kognitivnoi tochki zreniya [Parts of speech from the cognitive point of view] 127-130
1999, 5 I.B. Shatunovskii [Review of:] E.V. Paducheva. Semanticheskie issledovaniya (Semantika vremeni i vida v russkom yazyke; Semantika narrativa) [Semantic studies (Semantics of tense and aspect in Russian; Semantics of the narrative)] 130-138
1999, 5 V.V. Krasnyanskii [Review of:] Redkie slova v proizvedeniyakh avtorov XIX veka. Slovar’-spravochnik [Rare words in the works of the XIX century authors. A dictionary] 138-144
1999, 5 E. Tryjarski [Review of:] E.R. Tenishev (ed.). Sravnitel’no-istoricheskaya grammatika tyurkskikh yazykov. Leksika [Comparative-historical grammar of Turkic languages. Lexicon] 144-147