Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2000, 6 Chronicle features 146-148
2000, 6 New editions 149-153
2000, 6 V.M. Zhivov, E.A. Zemskaya Gerta Hüttl-Folter (a necrology) 154-156
2000, 6 An index of articles and reviews published in the journal “Voprosy Jazykoznanija” in 2000 157-159
2000, 5 Oleg N. Trubachev From the history and linguistic geography of East Slavonic spread 4-27
2000, 5 B. Comrie Language and prehistory: on the multidisciplinary approach 28-31
2000, 5 Aleksandr E. Kibrik On the problem of nuclear actants and “non-canonical marking”: the testimony of the Archi language 32-67
2000, 5 Timur A. Maisak, Sergei G. Tatevosov The “space” of the speaker as expressed in categories of grammar: what is impossible to say of one's own self 68-80
2000, 5 Л.И. Скворцов S. I. Ozegov. The man and dictionary (on the centenary of the scientist) 81-92
2000, 5 S.I. Ozhegov On the popular speech (the urban speech variant) 93-110
2000, 5 A.V. Barandeev [Рец. на / Review of:] Russian lexicographers of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Materials for a reading-book, 1998; Russian lexicographers of the XX century, 1999 111-115
2000, 5 O.V. Nikitin [Рец. на / Review of:] Yu. S. Stepanov. Constants. Dictionary of Russian culture 115-119
2000, 5 K.V. Gorshkova [Рец. на / Review of:] M. L. Kalenčuk, R. F. Kasatkina. A dictionary of the difficulties of Russian pronunciation 120-122
2000, 5 V.M. Zhivov, E.A. Zemskaya, L.P. Krysin [Review of:] Handbuch der sprachwissenschaftlichen Russistik und ihrer Grenzdisziplinen. Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 1999 122-137
2000, 5 Vladimir A. Plungian [Рец. на / Review of:] R. M. W. Dixon, Al. Y. Aikhenvald (Eds.). The Amazonian languages 138-141
2000, 5 V.Z. Demyankov [Рец. на / Review of:] V. G. Gak. Language changes 141-144
2000, 5 Yu.N. Karaulov [Рец. на / Review of:] Spanish-Russian dictionary. Latin America 144-146
2000, 5 Chronicle features 147-158
2000, 4 Rodmonga K. Potapova, Vsevolod V. Potapov Phonetics and phonology at the crossroads of centuries: ideas, problems, decisions 3-25
2000, 4 L.P. Krysin Social marking of language units 26-42