Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2001, 3 Oleg A. Radchenko Linguophilosophical concept of W. von Humboldt and post-Humboldtianism 96-125
2001, 3 B.I. Osipov [Рец. на / Review of:] The Russian orthographic dictionary 126-128
2001, 3 O.V. Nikitin [Рец. на / Review of:] The Fifth Polivanov Conference: a collection of scientific articles based on the materials of reports at the Conference 129-131
2001, 3 V.G. Demianov [Рец. на / Review of:] A. Kretschmer. Zur Geschichte des Schriftrussischen. Privatkorrespondenz des 17. und frühen 18. Jahrhunderts 131-141
2001, 3 Chronicle features 142-156
2001, 3 E.A. Zemskaya, L.P. Krysin S. Koester-Thoma (a necrology) 157-157
2001, 3 A. I. Domasnev (a necrology) 158-159
2001, 2 N.Yu. Shvedova Once more on the verb TO BE 3-12
2001, 2 Anna A. Zalizniak Semantic derivation in synchrony and diachrony: a project of “The Catalogue of semantic shifts” 13-25
2001, 2 B. Wiemer Aspectual paradigms and lexical meaning of Russian and Lithuanian verbs. An experience of comparison from the point of view of lexicalisation and grammaticalisation 26-58
2001, 2 Andrey N. Sobolev The Balkanic wordstock in the light of areal and areal-typological linguistics 59-93
2001, 2 Oleg F. Zholobov Old Slavonic numerals as part of speech 94-109
2001, 2 A.P. Romanenko Soviet philosophy of language: E. D. Polivanov — N. Ja. Marr 110-123
2001, 2 Oleg N. Trubachev Information for the participants of the next Congress of Slavists in 2003 123-126
2001, 2 A.I. Domashnev Problems of classification of German sociolects 127-139
2001, 2 Tatiana M. Nikolaeva [Рец. на / Review of:] Language about language. A collection of articles 140-145
2001, 2 E.L. Barxudarova [Рец. на / Review of:] The Fortunatov linguistic collection 145-150
2001, 2 R. Marojević Parts of speech in Russian 151-153
2001, 2 Chronicle features 154-159
2001, 1 L.N. Bulatova, E.A. Zemskaya, S.M. Kuz'mina, V.I. Novikov The range of the talent. To the 80th birthday of Prof. M.V. Panov 3-13