Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2000, 4 R.Z. Muryasov Non-finite forms of the verb: a contrastive and typological study 43-55
2000, 4 M.Ya. Blokh The dicteme and its role in the level structure of language 56-67
2000, 4 O.Yu. Kryuchkova Reduplication in the light of language typology 68-84
2000, 4 Galina I. Kustova Congnitive models in semantic derivation and the system of derivative meanings 85-109
2000, 4 Oleg A. Radchenko The problem of language community in the German philosophy of language (the first half of the XX century) 110-138
2000, 4 Vladimir A. Plungian [Рец. на / Review of:] Typology of verbal categories: Papers presented to Vladimir Nedjalkov on the occasion of his 70th birthday 139-144
2000, 4 Alexander I. Falileyev [Рец. на / Review of:] G. Isaac. The verb in the Book of Aneirin. Studies in syntax, morphology and etymology 144-149
2000, 4 V.G. Burov, B.Yu. Gorodetskii [Рец. на / Review of:] Li Tsing. The category of in-/determinacy in Russian: language means and their function in speech 150-155
2000, 4 Vladimir M. Alpatov [Рец. на / Review of:] Patrick Seriot. Structure et totalite. Les origines intellectuelles du structuralisme en Europe centrale et orientale 155-158
2000, 3 T.V. Galkina, O.A. Osipova A. P. Dulson and his linguistic school 3-11
2000, 3 V.V. Bykonya, N.G. Kuznetsova A. P. Dulson's linguistic school and studies in Samodian languages 12-20
2000, 3 E. Waida The actant conjugations in the Ket language 21-41
2000, 3 G.K. Werner Complex attributive constructions in the Jenisseian languages 42-49
2000, 3 V.N. Popova The study of substrat toponymy by means of A. P. Dulson's areal-retrogressive method 50-54
2000, 3 Nikolaj V. Percov On the ambiguity in poetic language 55-82
2000, 3 Arja Ahlqvist Merians or not Merians (II) 83-96
2000, 3 Elena V. Uryson The Russian conjunction and particle И: structure of the meaning 97-121
2000, 3 D.M. Nasilov [Рец. на / Review of:] I. V. Kormusin. The Turkic Jenisseian epitaphs 122-126
2000, 3 Andrej L. Malchukov [Рец. на / Review of:] V. T. Kyalandzyga, M. D. Simonov. Dictionary of the Udihe language. Preprint 126-128
2000, 3 V.V. Kolesov [Рец. на / Review of:] M. V. Ivanova. Old Russian biographies of Saints (XIV–XV centuries) as a source for the history of the Russian literary language 128-132