Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2002, 2 K. Kostov [Рец. на / Review of:] L. Manušs, J. Neilands, K. Rudevics. Čigānu-latviešu-angļu un latviešu-čigānu vārdnica 147-154
2002, 2 N.Yu. Zaitseva, Yu.A. Kosarev [Рец. на / Review of:] R. G. Piotrovskij. "The linguistic automaton: principles of its work based on speech and mental data" and "The linguistic automaton (used as an instrument of research and in uninterrupted teaching procedures) 154-157
2002, 2 Л. Хуняди In memoriam 158-158
2002, 1 Oleg N. Trubachev Instead of an introduction 3-3
2002, 1 Vladimir M. Alpatov Fifty years of the journal "Voprosy Jazykoznanija" 4-34
2002, 1 Oleg V. Lukin Discussions on the parts of speech and the journal "Voprosy Jazykoznanija" in the fifties 35-47
2002, 1 O.A. Lapteva, G.F. Blagova, Mark M. Makovskij, G.V. Strокоva How we worked at the Editorial Office of the journal "Voprosy Jazykoznanija" 48-57
2002, 1 G.F. Blagova Academician V.M. Žirmunskij as deputy editor of the journal "Voprosy Jazykoznanija" and his role in the preparation of the "Dialectal Atlas of the Turkic languages" 58-64
2002, 1 I.I.Kovtunova On the indirect use of direct speech in the works of V. V. Vinogradov (From the history of Russian linguistic thought) 65-71
2002, 1 G.V. Strокоva On the history of our everyday life at the Editorial Office of the journal "Voprosy Jazykoznanija" 72-80
2002, 1 N.I. Tolstoi Church Slavonic and Russian: interrelation and symbiosis 81-90
2002, 1 O.V. Nikitin The Moscow Dialectal Commision as recollected by D. N. Ušakov, N. N. Durnovo and A. M. Selišcev (unknown pages from the history of the Moscow linguistic school) 91-102
2002, 1 Vsevolod V. Potapov Multilevel strategy in linguistic gender studies 103-130
2002, 1 Joy I. Edelman [Рец. на / Review of:] I. M. Steblin-Kamenskij. Etymological dictionary of the Vahan language 131-135
2002, 1 Alexandr V. Zelenin [Рец. на / Review of:] L. P. Krysin. Explanatory dictionary of foreign words 136-141
2002, 1 V.D. Devkin [Рец. на / Review of:] W. Müller. Das Gegenwort-Wörterbuch. Ein Kontrastwörterbuch mit Gebrauchshinweisen 141-145
2002, 1 Larisa L. Shestakova [Рец. на / Review of:] N. A. Koževnikova, Z. Yu. Petrova. Materials for a Dictionary of metaphors and comparisons in the Russian literature of the XIX–XX centuries. Fascicle I: “Birds” 145-148
2002, 1 Chronicle features 149-159
2001, 6 Alexandr E. Anikin From the Chud ethnos to the Meri ethnical group (on occasionof A. K. Matveev's 75-th birthday) 3-12
2001, 6 Alexei L. Shilov On the Merian toponymic indicators 13-27