Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2003, 2 V.K. Zhuravlev [Рец. на / Review of:] V. Potapov. Dynamik und Statik des sprachlichen Rhythmus 135-139
2003, 2 E.I. Golanova [Рец. на / Review of:] Н. А. Янко-Триницкая. Словообразование в современном русском языке 139-140
2003, 2 V.T. Klokov [Рец. на / Review of:] A. Queffélec, Y. Derradji, V. Debov, D. Smaali-Dekdouk, Y. Cherrad-Benchefra. Le français en Algérie. Lexique et dynamique des langues 141-145
2003, 2 Chronicle features 146-158
2003, 1 V.N. Toporov In memory of Oleg Nikolaevič Trubačev 5-5
2003, 1 Oleg N. Trubachev The role of books in my life 6-14
2003, 1 G.A. Bogatova The role of the library in the life of O. N. Trubačev 15-16
2003, 1 I.G. Dobrodomov Oleg Nikolaevič Trubačev 18-29
2003, 1 M.I. Chernysheva Oleg Nikolaevič Trubačev and our generation 30-36
2003, 1 V.V. Levitskii The Indo-European roots *sep(h)ə-/sp(h)ē-, *erə-/rē-, *elə/lē- 37-62
2003, 1 Beatrisa B. Khodorkovskaya The rise of the perfect in Latin and the origin of the element -is-/-er- 63-77
2003, 1 Heinz Schuster-Šewc The Slavic metathesis of liquids and the desintegration of Proto-Slavic 78-91
2003, 1 A.K. Matveev On the etymology of substrat toponyms with tamb-/tam-stems 92-98
2003, 1 O.A. Teush Etymology of Finno-Ugnc loans in Russian and the semantic analysis 99-108
2003, 1 Alexei L. Shilov Geographic names and toponymic etymologies (based on the material of toponymies of the Russian North) 109-118
2003, 1 Eugene M. Vereščagin Some observations on the language and text of an archaic language monument "The Book of Ehah" 119-147
2003, 1 G.A. Bogatova Historical and etymological lexicography: some thoughts of a lexicographer 148-154
2003, 1 Tatiana M. Nikolaeva [Рец. на / Review of:] B. H. Bichakjian. Language in a Darwinian perspective 155-159
2002, 6 Andrey A. Zaliznyak, P.D. Malygin, Valentin L. Janin Birch codices from Novgorod and Torzok excavations in 2001 3-11
2002, 6 O.N. Seliverstova The role of cognitive semantics in the general development of linguistic science 12-26