Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2002, 6 L.P. Krysin Lexical borrowings and caiques in the Russian language of the last decades 27-34
2002, 6 Elena V. Uryson The Russian conjunction ХОТЯ in the light of semantic primitives 35-54
2002, 6 Mark M. Makovskij Semiotics of heathen religious cults 55-81
2002, 6 Rodmonga K. Potapova Pronunciation variativity of German speech 82-100
2002, 6 Magomet I. Isaev Ethnolinguistic problems in the USSR and in post-Soviet Russia 101-117
2002, 6 A.P. Romanenko Soviet speech usage: history of its study in the USSR 118-139
2002, 6 Oleg A. Radchenko The notion “image of the world” in German language philosophy of the XX century 140-160
2002, 6 Oleg F. Zholobov [Рец. на / Review of:] Dictionary of the Old Russian language (XI-XIV centuries). Vol. IV 161-168
2002, 6 A.A. Veretennikov [Рец. на / Review of:] Ju. A. Rubinčik. Grammar of contemporary Persian literary language 166-168
2002, 6 Chronicle features 169-172
2002, 6 Index of articles published in “Voprosy Jazykoznanija” in 2002 173-175
2002, 5 Yu.S. Stepanov The functions and some deep properties of language 3-18
2002, 5 Igor M. Boguslavsky Sandhi in syntax: the puzzle of the Russian phrase УЖЕ HE 19-37
2002, 5 V.I. Shakhovskii, V.V. Zhura Deixis in the light of emotional speech procedures 38-57
2002, 5 E.Yu. Protasova The language of Russian press in Finland 57-70
2002, 5 O.V. Nikitin From the history of linguistic science in 1930-1960 (S. A. Koporskij's exchange of letters with his colleagues) 71-95
2002, 5 G.F. Blagova The history of Middle-Asian Turkic languages in A. N. Samoilovič's works written after the October Revolution 96-115
2002, 5 V.Yu. Mikhal'chenko, T.B. Kryuchkova Sociolinguistics in Russia 116-142
2002, 5 Vladimir M. Alpatov [Рец. на / Review of:] N. B. Vaxtin. Languages of the people of the North. Sketches of the language shift 143-147
2002, 5 M.A. Osipova [Рец. на / Review of:] E. A. Zemskaja, M. Ja. Glovinskaja, M. A. Bobrik. The Russian language abroad: general precesses and speech portraits 147-153