1999, 1 |
Tatiana M. Nikolaeva, I. Fougeron |
Some observations on the semantics and status of complex sentences with concessive conjunctions |
17-36 |
1998, 3 |
A.N. Pechnikov |
Ways of linking predicative units in a compound sentence |
151-158 |
1997, 4 |
V.M. Zhivov |
Some remarks on the historical syntax of the Russian language (On the book: G. Hüttl-Folter. Syntaktische Studien zur neueren russischen Literatursprache. Die frühen Übersetzungen aus dem Französischen. Böhlau Verlag. Wien; Köln; Weimar, 1996.) |
58-69 |
1995, 3 |
L.A. Sergievskaya |
Modality of the compound and complex sentences with imperative meaning in contemporary Russian |
48-55 |
1995, 2 |
Z.K. Tarlanov |
On syntactic limits of the complex sentence in Russian: revaluation of the known facts |
83-90 |
1995, 2 |
Nadezhda K. Onipenko |
The study of complex sentences in the light of the communicative text-typology |
91-98 |
1994, 1 |
A.A. Veretennikov |
On a grammatical innovation in contemporary Persian (uncodified function of the postfix -rā) |
134-139 |
1993, 1 |
L.I. Astaxova |
On the compound sentence |
87-96 |
1989, 5 |
В.А. Белошапкова |
[Review of:] Čeremisina M. I., Kolosova Т. A. Essays on the theory of the composite sentence; |
144-148 |
1989, 5 |
Т.А. Колосова |
[Review of:] Širjaev E. N. Asyndetic composite sentence in modern Russian |
148-152 |