Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2003. No. 6

M.K. Sabaneeva
The Romance proto-articles as represented in Latin: Problems of theory and genesis
4 - 14
O.A. Lapteva
Self-modelling in language: The inner sources of change. Article 1
15 - 29
Elena V. Paducheva
The verbs of image-making: Lexical meaning and semantic derivation
30 - 46
E.I. Shutova
The problem of parts of speech in Chinese
47 - 64
Valeri S. Panfilov
The formalized approach to grammatical classes of words in Chinese
65 - 75
Timur A. Maisak, S.R. Merdanova
The future tense in the Agul language: A typological study
76 - 107
H. Pfandl
On the pro and contra of purism. Anglicisms and international words and their possible alternatives (based on the materials of Russian, Slovene and Croat)
108 - 122
N.V. Petrova
Text and discourse
123 - 131
Yury A. Lander
[Рец. на / Review of:] Baron I., Herlsund M., Sørensen F. (eds.). Dimensions of possession. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2001
132 - 134
Yu.N. Marchuk
[Review of:] R. K. Potapova. Speech, communication, information, cybernetics
134 - 143
S.I. Potapenko
[Рец. на / Review of:] The logical analysis of language The semantics of beginning and end
143 - 146
Valerii M. Mokienko
[Рец. на / Review of:] W. Mieder. International proverb scholarschip: An annotated bibliography. Supplement III (1990-2000)
147 - 150
Academic life
Academic life

Chronicle features
151 - 154

Index of articles published in the journal "Voprosy Jazykoznanija" in 2003
156 - 158