Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2003. No. 5

V’ačeslav Vs. Ivanov
Some remarks on the last article of Henrik Birnbaum
3 - 5
Henrik Birnbaum
Slavic, Tocharian, Altaic: genetic relationship and typological-areal impact (with commentaries by Vjac. Vs. Ivanov, S. A. Burlak, I. B. Itkin)
6 - 29
W. Viereck
The linguistic atlas of Europe and its contribution to the European history of culture: some results of the study based on the project of the "Atlas Linguarum Europae"
30 - 39
Dmitri V. Sitchinava
On the typology of verbal systems having several forms of plusquamperfect: casus latinus
40 - 52
M.V. D'yachkov
Frisian languages and the Frisians in contemporary Europe
53 - 71
Aimgul’ K. Kazkenova
Motivation of loan-words
72 - 80
Elena E. Razlogova
The abstract and the concrete in the semantics of French ΒΕΑU and BON
81 - 98
O. Yokoyama
Neutral and non-neutral intonation in Russian: autosegmental interpretation of the system of intonation constructions
99 - 122
S.I. Iordanidi
[Рец. на / Review of:] East Slavonic isoglosses. 2000
123 - 129
Michael Daniel, Alexander V. Podobryaev
[Рец. на / Review of:] R. M. W. Dixon, A. Y. Aikhenvald (eds.) Changing valency. Case studies in transitivity
129 - 134
Timur A. Maisak
[Рец. на / Review of:] В. Heine, Т. Kuteva. World Lexicon of Grammaticalization
134 - 139
Konstantin G. Krasukhin
[Рец. на / Review of:] The twilight of linguistics. From the history of Russian linguistic science
140 - 147
Academic life
Academic life

Chronicle features
148 - 159