Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2011, 4 Nina R. Dobrushina Multilingualism in Daghestan from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 21st century: an attempt at a quantitative evaluation. 61-80
2011, 4 Mikhail L. Gasparov Word in verse: on one type of adjectives. 81-89
2011, 4 Kirill M. Korčagin Contemporary studies in metrics abroad 90-115
2011, 4 Hans Robert Mehlig I.B. Šatunovskij. Problems of Russian aspect. Moscow: Jazyki slavjanskix kul’tur, 2009. 116-125
2011, 4 Vladimir M. Alpatov V.V. Dement’ev. A theory of speech genres. Moscow: Znak, 2010. 126-131
2011, 4 Leonid I. Kulikov D. Shulman. Language, ritual and poetics in ancient India and Iran: Studies in honor of Shaul Migron. Jerusalem: The Israel academy of sciences and humanities, 2010. 131-135
2011, 4 Vadim I. Kimmelman D. Brentari. Sign languages. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2010. 135-143
2011, 4 Viktor V. Šapoval [Review of:] Y. Matras. Romani in Britain. The afterlife of a language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh university press, 2010. 143-149
2011, 4 Viktor V. Šapoval [Review of:] M.V. Smirnova-Seslavinskaja, G.N. Cvetkov. The Romani people. Their origin and culture. A socio-anthropological study. Sofia; Moscow: Paradigma, 2009. 149-152
2011, 4 Jana E. Akhapkina, Elizaveta G. Sosnovceva Functional grammar: present state and perspectives. 153-156
2011, 4 Yulia S. Kapitanova Vinogradov readings 2011. 156-159
2011, 3 Elena V. Paducheva Egocentric valencies and deconstruction of the speaker. 3-18
2011, 3 Marina V. Pimenova Syncretism in lexical semantics manifesting the linguistic asymmetry between form and meaning. 19-48
2011, 3 Ekaterina A. Pshekhotskaya Grammar of applicative in Russian. 49-68
2011, 3 Sandra Birzer On development of the preposition otstupja ot. 69-84
2011, 3 Alexander I. Falileyev Issues in Ligurian linguistics. Ligurica sub specie Celto-Liguricae et Indo-Gemanicae. 85-113
2011, 3 Beatrisa B. Khodorkovskaya Deponent verbs in Latin (exemplified by Tacitus). 114-120
2011, 3 Svetlana G. Shulezhkova [Review of:] V.M. Mokienko, G.A. Lilich, O. I. Trofimkina. An explanatory dictionary of biblical words and phrases. Moscow, 2010. 121-124
2011, 3 Valery D. Solovyev [Review of:] S. Wichmann, E. Holman (eds.). Temporal stability of linguistic typological features. Munich: LINCOM EUROPA, 2009. 124-128
2011, 3 Maxim M. Makartsev M. Dedaić, M. Mišković-Luković (eds.). South Slavic discourse particles. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2010. 129-132