Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2012, 1 Nina R. Dobrushina B. Rothstein, R. Thieroff (eds.). Mood in the languages of Europe. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2010. 118-120
2012, 1 Natal’ja L. Šibasova B. Rothstein, R. Thieroff (eds.). Mood in the languages of Europe. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2010. 121-126
2012, 1 Xenia P. Semionova A. Bonola, O. Inkova (dir.). Categorie verbali e problemi dell’organizzazione testuale. Studi contrastivi Slavo-Romanzi. Milano: EDUCatt, 2011. 126-131
2012, 1 Alexandr V. Zelenin N.A. Kozulina, E.A. Levašov, E.N. Šagalova. Russian affixoids. A reference dictionary. St. Petersburg: Nestor-History, 2009. 131-141
2012, 1 Mira B. Bergel’son A survey of linguistic projects supported by RFH (РГНФ) in 2010–2011. 142-156
2011, 6 Elena N. Nikitina Predicative nominative and predicative instrumental in Russian (on the problem of the interaction of grammatical categories). 3-28
2011, 6 Andrei A. Gorbov On some problems of interpretation of foreign-language material in describing new loanwords in Russian. 29-40
2011, 6 Alexey A. Karpov Computer analysis and synthesis of Russian sign language. 41-53
2011, 6 Anastasija D. Kozerenko, Grigorij E. Krejdlin Phraseological somatisms and semiotic conceptualization of body. 54-66
2011, 6 Yukari Konuma The notion of superlexeme and the aspectual profile of Japanese verb. 67-89
2011, 6 Mark M. Makovskij On the problem of Gothic aspect. 90-104
2011, 6 Anna F. Litvina, Fedor B. Uspenskij Calque or methaphor? A lingvo-cultural commentary on «Verses on the unknown soldier» by Osip Mandelstam. 105-114
2011, 6 Ilya B. Itkin N.A. Es’kova. Selected works on Russian: Phonology. Morphophonology. Morphology. Orthography. Lexicography. Moscow: Jazyki slavjanskix kul’tur, 2011. 115-119
2011, 6 Vera M. Koval’skaja S. Birzer. Russian adverbial participles. Processes of grammaticalisation and lexicalisation. München: Verlag Otto Sagner, 2010. 120-125
2011, 6 Ekaterina Rakhilina, Daria Ryzhova M. Haspelmath, U. Tadmor (eds.). Loanwords in the world’s languages: A comparative handbook. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2009. 126-133
2011, 6 Kirill A. Kožanov Baltic linguistics. 2010. 1. Warszawa: Universytet Warszawski, 2010. 133-137
2011, 6 Natalia M. Stoynova A.M. Urdze. Ideophone in Europa: Die Grammatik der lettischen Gerauschverben. Bochum: Universitatsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer. 2010. 137-142
2011, 6 Sergej V. Kullanda, Yury A. Lander, Ülo Sirk R. Blust. The Austronesian languages. Canberra: Pacific linguistics, 2009. 142-146
2011, 6 Petr A. Kočarov, Ol’ga V. Popova, Andrej V. Šackov VII International conference «Synchrony and diachrony in comparative linguistics». 147-151
2011, 6 Sergej Ju. Kulikov International conference «TRALOGY-2011». 152-153