Year / Number Authors Title Pages
1992, 3 V.A. Xomiakov Some typological features of non-standard word-stock of English, French and Russian 94-105
1992, 3 Anatoly F. Zhuravlev Some quantitative–typological observations on the word-stock of Slavonic languages (Proto-Slavonic heritage) 106-118
1992, 3 Vladimir M. Alpatov The linguistic legacy of N. Poppe 119-125
1992, 3 E.I. Kedaitene [Review] Žuravlev V.K. Diachronic morphology 126-127
1992, 3 L.I. Barannikova [Review] Dialectological atlas of the Russian language. The center of the European part of the USSR 127-130
1992, 3 B.A. Abramov [Review] V.P. Litvinov, V.P. Nedjalkov. Resultativkonstruktionen im Deutschen 130-132
1992, 3 V.Z. Demyankov [Review] Rudenko D.I. The noun in the paradigms of the “philosophy of language” 132-135
1992, 3 A.G. Belova [Review] Ch. Ehret. Origin of the third consonants in Semitic roots: An internal reconstruction (applied to Arabic) 135-139
1992, 3 Chronical notes 140-144
1992, 2 Valentin L. Janin Epigraphic notes 21-36
1992, 2 I. Hajnal The importance of data of the oldest period of the Greek language for the reconstruction of the Indo-European phonological system 37-47
1992, 2 A.R. Bomhard The aspirated stops in Proto-Indo-European 48-56
1992, 2 Vladimir M. Alpatov “The Grammar of Port-Royal” and contemporary linguistics (In connection with the publication of the Russian editions) 57-68
1992, 2 A.T. Krivonosov Thinking without language? 69-83
1992, 2 Anatoly N. Baranov, Grigorij E. Krejdlin Illocutive “pressure” in the structure of dialogue 84-99
1992, 2 V.D. Ušakov Some problems of the comparative study of phraseological collocations in classical Arabic 100-111
1992, 2 I.E. Lalajantz, L.S. Milovanova The latest studies on the functioning of language mechanisms of the brain 112-122
1992, 2 B.H. Bichakjian Language evolution: A Darwinian process 123-134
1992, 2 F. Jacob The linguistic model in biology 135-143
1992, 2 E.A. Makaev [Review] The linguistic encyclopaedic dictionary 144-151