Year / Number Authors Title Pages
1993, 5 Chronicle notes 147-160
1993, 4 H. Birnbaum Genetic and typological approaches to external comparison of language 5-17
1993, 4 E.S. Kubryakova Once more on the definition of a language sign 18-28
1993, 4 Georgy A. Klimov New evidence on the residence of the Aryans in Asia Minor 29-37
1993, 4 A.S. Liberman Hard and smooth consonants in the history of the Germanic languages 38-47
1993, 4 E.S. Yakovleva On some patterns of space in the Russian-language image of the world 48-62
1993, 4 V.A. Lukin The concept of truth and the word истина in Russian (An essay of conceptual analysis of the rational and the irrational in language) 63-86
1993, 4 Anatoly F. Zhuravlev Proto-Slavonic word-stock of the Old Novgorod dialect in the light of lexicostatistics 87-98
1993, 4 Maria L. Kalenchuk, Rozalija F. Kasatkina Collateral accent and rhythmic structure of the Russian word on verbal and phrasal levels 99-106
1993, 4 А. Wierzbicka Anti-totalitarian language in Poland: Mechanisms of language self-defence 107-125
1993, 4 I.G. Miloslavskij [Review] Ferm L. The expression of direction by prefixal verbs of movement in contemporary Russian 126-128
1993, 4 Mark M. Makovskij [Review] J. Puhvel. Hittite etymological dictionary 128-139
1993, 4 I.A. Kornilaeva [Review] T. Berger. Wortbildung und Akzent im Russischen 139-143
1993, 4 V.M. Andrjuščenko [Review] Grjaznuxina T.A., Klimenko N.F. et al. The use of computers in linguistic investigations 143-145
1993, 4 A.N. Vanšenker, A.N. Jeremin, M.A. Petričenko [Review] Tixonov A.N., Pardaev A.S. The families of one-root words and their role in the systemic arrangement of the word-stock. Reflected synonymy. Reflected homonymy. Reflected antonymy 145-148
1993, 4 Chronicle notes 149-159
1993, 3 K. Heger From the stemma to the actant model 5-14
1993, 3 Vladimir M. Alpatov On the anthropocentric and systemcentric approaches to language 15-26
1993, 3 Valentina Apresjan, Ju.D. Apresian The role of the metaphor in the semantic representation of emotions 27-35
1993, 3 V.S. Jurčenko Real time and the structure of language (On the philosophy of linguistics) 36-47