Year / Number Authors Title Pages
1991, 3 G.Ts. Pjurbeev Towards the development of syntactic groups in Mongolic 84-94
1991, 3 И.В. Арнольд Modern linguistic theories on interaction of system and environment 118-126
1990, 6 С.Б. Бернштейн Linguistic Atlas of Common Slavonic. Critical notes 5-16
1990, 6 E.A. Zemskaya Word-formation and text (For M.V. Panov's 70-th birthday) 17-30
1990, 6 И. Хубшмид Two Rumanian-SIavonic-Turkic word-families and names of carts in Altaic languages 31-59
1990, 6 М.С. Гельфанд Codes of genetic language and the natural language 60-70
1990, 6 Konstantin G. Krasukhin Some problems of syntax-reconstruction in Indo-European 71-84
1990, 6 R.M. Frumkina, А.К. Звонкин, О.Н. Ларичев, Vadim B. Kasevich Representation of knowledge as a scientific problem 85-101
1990, 6 В.В. Петров Ideas of contemporary phenomenology and hermeneutics as applied to the linguistic representation of knowledge 102-109
1990, 6 О.Г. Почепцов Language mentality: a way of representing the world 110-122
1990, 6 Ju.D. Apresian A formal pattern of language and representation of lexicographic knowledge 123-139
1990, 6 Magomet I. Isaev, Э.Р. Тенишев Ossetica — Turcica 140-143
1990, 6 A.T. Krivonosov [Review of:] Kaliuščenko V. D. Deutsche denominale Verben 144-149
1990, 6 Mark M. Makovskij [Review of:] Švejcer A. D. Theory of translation: status, problems, aspects 149-154
1990, 6 А.Д. Кривоносов [Review of:] Poroxova O. G. Pleophony and non-pleophony in the Russian literary language and folk dialects 154-156
1990, 3 А. Мартине Continuum and discreteness 5-10
1990, 3 Г. Фрайдхоф On the importance of logic and grammar in Russian universal grammars of the early XIX c. 11-20
1990, 3 Serguey D. Shelov On defining linguistic terms (An attempt of typology and interpretation) 21-31
1990, 3 Olga I. Severskaya On describing semantics of the paronymic attrac­tion 32-39
1990, 3 Н.В. Подольская Derivational problems in onomastics (Towards the statement of a question) 40-53