Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2002. No. 2

R.I. Rоzina
Categorical shift of actants in semantic derivation
3 - 15
Galina I. Kustova
On the types of derived meanings in words with experiential semantics
16 - 34
J. Nørgor-Sørensen
Referential function of Russian pronouns as compared with pronouns of some other Slavic languages
35 - 47
L.B. Vishnyatskii
The origin of language: some contemporary theories (as seen by an archeologist)
48 - 63
Wolf Dietrich
The influence of American Indian languages on the Romance languages (II)
64 - 85
M.N. Bogoliubov
Rigveda I, 105. Trita in the well
86 - 89
Elena L. Rudnitskaya
Syntactic and semantic analysis of sentences with omitted verbs of speech in Korean
90 - 102
I.G. Dobrodomov
On the historical memory in language
103 - 108
Yuri B. Koryakov
The language situation in Bielorussia
109 - 127
G. Neveklovskii
The language situation in South Slavonic languages
128 - 134
M.A. Вогоdina
Excerpt of an unpublished article
135 - 141
A.D. Dulichenko
[Рец. на / Review of:] Sprachen in Europa. Sprachsituation und Sprachpolitik in europäischen Ländern
142 - 146
K. Kostov
[Рец. на / Review of:] L. Manušs, J. Neilands, K. Rudevics. Čigānu-latviešu-angļu un latviešu-čigānu vārdnica
147 - 154
N.Yu. Zaitseva, Yu.A. Kosarev
[Рец. на / Review of:] R. G. Piotrovskij. "The linguistic automaton: principles of its work based on speech and mental data" and "The linguistic automaton (used as an instrument of research and in uninterrupted teaching procedures)
154 - 157
Л. Хуняди
In memoriam
158 - 158