Year / Number Authors Title Pages
1998, 4 Тamaz V. Gamkrelidze Proto-language reconstruction and prerequisites for comparative-genetic linguistics 29-34
1998, 4 Yakov G. Testelets, Svetlana Yu. Toldova Reflexive pronouns in Daghestanian languages and the typology of reflexives 35-57
1998, 4 G.Kh. Ibragimov The category of aspect in Daghestanian languages 58-68
1998, 4 M.Sh. Khalilov Chronological stratification of Georgian lexical elements in Daghestanian languages 69-81
1998, 4 E.Yu. Kalinina Distinction between finite and non-finite verbal forms from a typological point of view 82-110
1998, 4 Konstantin I. Kazenin Nominal modifiers in Tsakhur and locality constraints in syntax 111-123
1998, 4 D. Buyaner On the mediaeval Caucasian toponym “Varsan” and its preliminary localization 124-127
1998, 4 V. Chirikba On Abkhazian loans in the Mingrelian language 128-142
1998, 4 V.G. Gak, N.Z. Donadze The names of the son-in-law according to the Linguistic Atlas of Europe 143-150
1998, 4 Mark M. Makovskij Metamorphoses of the word (taboo markers in Indo-European) 151-179
1998, 4 G.F. Blagova Types of Early Turkic anthroponyms 180-191
1998, 3 Oleg N. Trubachev Slavic philology and comparativeness. From Congress to Congress 3-25
1998, 3 Valentin L. Janin, Andrey A. Zaliznyak Birchbark letters form Novgorod excavations of 1997 26-42
1998, 3 E.S. Yakovleva On the notion “cultural memory” as applied to word semantics 43-73
1998, 3 Vadim B. Krys’ko The Old Novgorod-Pskov dialect from the point of view of Common Slavic 74-93
1998, 3 E.E. Babaeva Who lives in the “vertep”, or An essay on the reconstruction of the semantic history of a word 94-106
1998, 3 Alexei L. Shilov Toponymy of Karelia from the point of view of substrat toponymy of Russian North: On the origin of the hydroformant “-en(’)ga” 107-114
1998, 3 G.A. Bogatova Thoughts after the International Congress of Russian philologists in Krasnoyarsk 115-121
1998, 3 I.A. Malysheva Investigation of written monuments of the 18th century based on linguistic source studies 122-133
1998, 3 L.M. Gorodilova A dictionary of linguistic sources of the Yenisseian Siberia of the 17th century 134-140