Year / Number Authors Title Pages
1998, 6 L.E. Kalnyn’ Inclusion of dialectisms in the text of the belles-lettres as a kind of contact between dialectal and literary forms of the Russian language 58-68
1998, 6 Ekaterina Rakhilina Semantics of Russian “positional” predicates: STOJAT’ ‘stand’, LEŽAT’ ‘lie’, SIDET’ ‘sit’ and VISET’ ‘hang’ 69-80
1998, 6 A.A. Zalevskaya Psycholinguistics: methods, results, perspectives 81-94
1998, 6 Vladimir M. Alpatov [Review of:] B. M. Gasparov. Yazyk, pamyat’, obraz. Lingvistika yazykovogo sushchestvovaniya [Language, memory, image. Linguistics of language existence] 95-100
1998, 6 Elena V. Petrukhina [Review of:] A. V. Bondarko. Problemy grammaticheskoi semantiki i russkoi aspektologii [Problems of grammatical semantics and Russian aspectology] 100-106
1998, 6 Yu.N. Marchuk [Review of:] R. K. Potapova. Speech: communication, information, cybernetics 106-110
1998, 6 E. Günter [Review of:] S. Koester-Thoma, Е. A. Zemskaja (Hrsg.). Russische Umgangssprache. Phonetik, Morphologie, Syntax, Wortbildung, Wortstellung, Lexik, Nomination, Sprachspiel 110-112
1998, 6 V.B. Kuznetsov Remarks concerning S. N. Nikolaev’s article “New data on the phonetics of Russian dialects” 112-115
1998, 6 Chronicle notes 116-119
1998, 6 Index of articles published in the journal “Voprosy Jazykoznanija” in 1998 120-122
1998, 5 Elena V. Paducheva On the paradigm of regular polysemy of verbs expressing sound 3-23
1998, 5 K.A. Pereverzev Utterance and situation: on ontological entities in the philosophy of language 24-52
1998, 5 Eugene M. Vereščagin Two research instruments applied to the concept of the Russian Bible of metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov). To the centenary of the publication of Hildebrandt's concordance to the Psalter 53-66
1998, 5 A.A. Pletneva Discussion on Old Church Slavonic in the end of the 19th century. Position of advocates of the archaic theory 67-73
1998, 5 Andrey N. Sobolev On the predicative use of participles in Russian dialects 74-89
1998, 5 A.K. Matveev Meryan toponymy in the Russian North — a phantom or a phenomenon? 90-105
1998, 5 Yu.V. Shcheka [Review of:] Turkic languages, 1997, No. 1, Vol. 1 106-109
1998, 5 Nina R. Sumbatova [Review of:] V.A. Vinogradov (ed.). Osnovy afrikanskogo yazykoznaniya. Imennye kategorii [Principles of African linguistics. Nominal categories]. Мoscow, 1997 110-117
1998, 5 G.V. Zubko [Review of:] V.T. Klokov. Slovar’ frantsuzskogo yazyka v Afrike. Lingvostranovedcheskie osobennosti [A dictionary of African French. Linguocultural aspects]. Saratov, 1996. 117-120
1998, 5 Chronicle notes 121-126