1998, 6 |
L.E. Kalnyn’ |
Inclusion of dialectisms in the text of the belles-lettres as a kind of contact between dialectal and literary forms of the Russian language |
58-68 |
1998, 6 |
Ekaterina Rakhilina |
Semantics of Russian “positional” predicates: STOJAT’ ‘stand’, LEŽAT’ ‘lie’, SIDET’ ‘sit’ and VISET’ ‘hang’ |
69-80 |
1998, 6 |
A.A. Zalevskaya |
Psycholinguistics: methods, results, perspectives |
81-94 |
1998, 6 |
Vladimir M. Alpatov |
[Review of:] B. M. Gasparov. Yazyk, pamyat’, obraz. Lingvistika yazykovogo sushchestvovaniya [Language, memory, image. Linguistics of language existence] |
95-100 |
1998, 6 |
Elena V. Petrukhina |
[Review of:] A. V. Bondarko. Problemy grammaticheskoi semantiki i russkoi aspektologii [Problems of grammatical semantics and Russian aspectology] |
100-106 |
1998, 6 |
Yu.N. Marchuk |
[Review of:] R. K. Potapova. Speech: communication, information, cybernetics |
106-110 |
1998, 6 |
E. Günter |
[Review of:] S. Koester-Thoma, Е. A. Zemskaja (Hrsg.). Russische Umgangssprache. Phonetik, Morphologie, Syntax, Wortbildung, Wortstellung, Lexik, Nomination, Sprachspiel |
110-112 |
1998, 6 |
V.B. Kuznetsov |
Remarks concerning S. N. Nikolaev’s article “New data on the phonetics of Russian dialects” |
112-115 |
1998, 6 |
Chronicle notes |
116-119 |
1998, 6 |
Index of articles published in the journal “Voprosy Jazykoznanija” in 1998 |
120-122 |
1998, 5 |
Elena V. Paducheva |
On the paradigm of regular polysemy of verbs expressing sound |
3-23 |
1998, 5 |
K.A. Pereverzev |
Utterance and situation: on ontological entities in the philosophy of language |
24-52 |
1998, 5 |
Eugene M. Vereščagin |
Two research instruments applied to the concept of the Russian Bible of metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov). To the centenary of the publication of Hildebrandt's concordance to the Psalter |
53-66 |
1998, 5 |
A.A. Pletneva |
Discussion on Old Church Slavonic in the end of the 19th century. Position of advocates of the archaic theory |
67-73 |
1998, 5 |
Andrey N. Sobolev |
On the predicative use of participles in Russian dialects |
74-89 |
1998, 5 |
A.K. Matveev |
Meryan toponymy in the Russian North — a phantom or a phenomenon? |
90-105 |
1998, 5 |
Yu.V. Shcheka |
[Review of:] Turkic languages, 1997, No. 1, Vol. 1 |
106-109 |
1998, 5 |
Nina R. Sumbatova |
[Review of:] V.A. Vinogradov (ed.). Osnovy afrikanskogo yazykoznaniya. Imennye kategorii [Principles of African linguistics. Nominal categories]. Мoscow, 1997 |
110-117 |
1998, 5 |
G.V. Zubko |
[Review of:] V.T. Klokov. Slovar’ frantsuzskogo yazyka v Afrike. Lingvostranovedcheskie osobennosti [A dictionary of African French. Linguocultural aspects]. Saratov, 1996. |
117-120 |
1998, 5 |
Chronicle notes |
121-126 |