Year / Number Authors Title Pages
1997, 6 Dmitrij O. Dobrovol’skij National and cultural peculiarities in phraseology (I) 37-48
1997, 6 Ekaterina A. Lyutikova Reflexives and emphasis 49-74
1997, 6 B.Ya. Ostrovsky Evidentiality and perfect forms (founded on the materials of the Dari language) 75-88
1997, 6 Elena L. Rudnitskaya Problems of Altaic coordination in the Korean language 89-99
1997, 6 K.Ya. Sigal The problem of iconicity in language (a survey of literature) 100-120
1997, 6 Evgeni V. Klobukov [Review of:] A. V. Bondarko, M. D. Voeikova, N. A. Kozintseva (eds.). Mezhkategorial’nye svyazi v grammatike [Intercategorial relations in grammar]. St. Petersburg: Dmitry Bulanin, 1996 121-129
1997, 6 Valerii M. Mokienko [Review of:] S. Koester-Thoma. Die Lexik der russischen Umgangssprache. Forschungsgeschichte und Darstellung. Berlin: Dieter Lenz, 1996 129-134
1997, 6 V.Z. Sannikov [Review of:] Yu.D. Apresjan et al. Novyi ob”yasnitel’nyi slovar’ sinonimov russkogo yazyka [New explanatory dictionary of Russian synonyms]. Moscow: Shkola “Yazyki Russkoi Kul’tury”, 1997 134-137
1997, 6 Chronicle notes 138-139
1997, 6 Index of articles published in Voprosy Jazykoznanija in 1997 140-142
1997, 5 Vsevolod V. Potapov The problem of dying languages in some regions of the world 3-15
1997, 5 Valentina Apresjan Adverbs of exertion and small degree: semantics and its reflexes 16-34
1997, 5 A.N. Shalamova Dictionary of the Russian language of the 11th-17th centuries: Problems and results (founded on the materials of the published volumes) 35-54
1997, 5 V.G. Gak Some features of Biblical phraseologisms in Russian 55-65
1997, 5 Alan Timberlake The augment of the perfect in the Lawrence chronicle 66-86
1997, 5 Ingrid Maier Russian verbal rection in the 17th century: The problem of original phenomena and influence of the translated text (founded on the materials of “Vesti-Kuranty”) 87-101
1997, 5 M.Yu. Fedosyuk Unsolved problems of the theory of speech genres 102-120
1997, 5 M.V. Filipenko On the hierarchy of aspectual features in an utterance (the analysis of adverbials determining the “process”) 121-134
1997, 5 G.S. Goleva Persian phraseology (linguistic and sociocultural aspects) 135-141
1997, 5 Georgy A. Klimov, Joy I. Edelman [Review of:] Th. V. Gamkrelidze, V. V. Ivanov. Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans. A reconstruction and historical analysis of a Proto-language and a Proto-culture. Berlin / New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1995 142-145