Year / Number Authors Title Pages
1998, 3 L.M. Savosina Actualizing paradigm of the sentence. Types of communicative tasks and means of their solution (based on the materials of binominative sentences expressing the relations of characterization) 141-150
1998, 3 A.N. Pechnikov Ways of linking predicative units in a compound sentence 151-158
1998, 3 A.V. Barandeev “Kniga Bol’shomu Chertezhu” (370 years of the linguistic monument) 159-164
1998, 3 Lyubov’ V. Kurkina [Review of:] М. Snoj. Slovenski etimološki slovar. Ljubljana, 1997 165-170
1998, 3 Galina G. Tyapko [Review of:] G. Neshchimenko (ed.). Teoreticheskie i metodologicheskie problemy sopostavitel’nogo izucheniya slavyanskikh yazykov [Theoretical and methodological problems of contrastive study of Slavic languages] 170-177
1998, 3 V.G. Demianov [Review of:] I. Maier. Verbalrektion in den “Vesti-Kuranty” (1600–1660). Eine historisch-philologische Untersuchung zur mittelrussischen Syntax 177-181
1998, 3 R.S. Manucharyan [Review of:] I.S. Ulukhanov. Edinitsy slovoobrazovatel’noi sistemy russkogo yazyka i ikh leksicheskaya realizatsiya [Units of word-formation system of Russian and their lexical realization] 181-183
1998, 3 Vladimir A. Plungian [Review of:] Selected essays of Catherine V. Chvany 183-187
1998, 3 Chronicle notes 188-190
1998, 2 Elena V. Uryson Linguistic image of the world vs. common-sense ideas 3-21
1998, 2 V.P. Konetskaya Axioms, rules and hypotheses in lexicology 22-37
1998, 2 F. Hundsnurscher Principles, development and perspectives of the dialogue analysis 38-50
1998, 2 R. Marojević Studies on the grammar of Old Russian. II. Possessives of the type “Tvorimirič” 51-59
1998, 2 Roman N. Krivko Old Russian orthography in the 11th century and in the beginning of the 12th century in the light of suprasegmental timbre oppositions 60-78
1998, 2 Maria V. Ivanova Old Russian agiography in the end of the 14th century and in the 15th century as a source for the history of literary Russian 79-87
1998, 2 Nikolaj V. Percov On the problem of the invariant of grammatical meaning. II. The imperative in Russian 88-101
1998, 2 Yu.A. Pupynin Elements of temporal and aspectual system in child speech 102-117
1998, 2 Rodmonga K. Potapova, T.A. Gordeeva On juncture in contemporary German (founded on the materials of regional German dialects of Germany, Austria and Switzerland) 118-128
1998, 2 Vadim B. Krys’ko, A.N. Shalamova [Review of:] Fałowski A. (Hrsg.). “Ein Rusch Boeck...”: Ein Russisch-Deutsches anonymes Wörter- und Gesprächsbuch aus dem XVI. Jahrhundert; Fałowski A. "Ein Rusch Boeck...": rosyjsko-niemiecki anonimowy słownik i rozmówki z XVI wieku. Analiza językowa 129-134
1998, 2 Mark M. Makovskij [Review of:] D.O. Dobrovol’skij. Nemetsko-russkii slovar’ zhivykh idiom [German-Russian dictionary of living idioms] 134-139