Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2021, 6 Maria N. Usacheva, Anna L. Leontyeva Basic pain terms in Beserman Udmurt 69-98
2021, 6 Elena V. Uryson On the status of verbal aspect in Russian: A lexicographer’s view 99-116
2021, 6 Tatiana O. Shavrina Methods of computational linguistics in the evaluation of artifi cial intelligence systems 117-138
2021, 6 Daria Zhornik [Review of:] F. Zúñiga, S. Kittilä. Grammatical voice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. 139-149
2021, 6 László Fejes [Review of:] H. van der Hulst. Asymmetries in vowel harmony. A representational account. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. 150-162
2021, 5 Viktor S. Xrakovskij Causal vs. causative constructions: A tentative analysis 7-25
2021, 5 Valentin Yu. Gusev Towards a typological profile of the North Siberian substrate 26-58
2021, 5 Alexandra I. Chivarzina Yellow or green? Distinguishing green and yellow colors in Albanian 59-65
2021, 5 Alexey A. Gippius Birchbark letters from Veliky Novgorod excavations of the year 2020 66-92
2021, 5 Vlada V. Baranova Constructions with negative elements ni kapli and ni razu in Russian 93-105
2021, 5 Eugene M. Breydo Interval model of Russian metrics and strict tonic verse 106-136
2021, 5 Tore Nesset [Review of:] H. Diessel. The grammar network. How linguistic structure is shaped by language use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019 137-141
2021, 5 Timur A. Maisak [Review of:] T. Kuteva, B. Heine, B. Hong, H. Long, H. Narrog, S. Rhee. World lexicon of grammaticalization. 2nd, extensively revised and updated edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019 142-149
2021, 5 Dmitry V. Gerasimov [Review of:] K. Schmidtke-Bode, N. Levshina, S. M. Michaelis, I. A. Seržant (eds.). Explanation in typology: Diachronic sources, functional motivations and the nature of evidence. Berlin: Language Science Press, 2019 150-160
2021, 4 Peter M. Arkadiev, Anna D. Daugavet Perfect grams in Lithuanian and Latvian: A comparative analysis based on a typological questionnaire 7-41
2021, 4 Olga E. Pekelis Pied-piping in Russian relative clauses: A microdiachronic analysis 42-71
2021, 4 Alexander B. Letuchiy The Russian pronoun TAM as a marker of anaphora to an argument 72-90
2021, 4 Elena V. Gorbova, Oksana Iu. Chuikova, Sofia S. Sharygina Imperfectivability of Russian prefixal perfectives: Regularity and peculiarities 91-130
2021, 4 Yan Jianwei, Liu Haitao Morphology and word order in Slavic languages: Insights from annotated corpora 131-159
2021, 4 Irina S. Burukina [Review of:] I. Roberts. Parameter hierarchies and Universal Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019 160-165