Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2008, 5 A.V. Arkhipov, Michael Daniel [Review of:] J. Gippert, N.P. Himmelmann, U. Mosel (eds.). Essentials of language documentation. 134-140
2008, 5 Vladislav V. Alpatov Ethnopragmatics: Understanding discourse in cultural context. 141-144
2008, 5 Valentin Yu. Gusev [Review of:] Z. Guenchéva, J. Landaburu (éds.). L’énonciation médiatisée II: Le traitement épistémologique de l’information: illustrations amérindiennes et caucasiennes. 145-148
2008, 5 V.Yu. Petrova M. Krause. Epistemische Modalität: Zur Interaktion lexikalischer und prosodischer Marker. 149-154
2008, 5 S.S. Vaulina International scientific conference «Modality in language and speech: new research approaches». 155-160
2008, 4 V’ačeslav Vs. Ivanov On the evolution of processing and transmitting information in human and animal communities. 3-14
2008, 4 A.D. Koshelev On the principal paradigms of studying natural languages in the light of cognitive linguistics. 15-40
2008, 4 Z.A. Zorina Monkeys not only «think», but «speak». 41-50
2008, 4 Aleksandr E. Kibrik Linguistic reconstruction of cognitive structure. 51-77
2008, 4 W. Chafe The role of introspection, observation and experimentation in understanding of mind. 78-88
2008, 4 K. Družkin The determinative phrase in ancient Greek. 89-103
2008, 4 Pavel Iosad The Optimality Theory: an overview. 104-121
2008, 4 Irina B. Levontina The anthology of concepts. 122-126
2008, 4 Valerii M. Mokienko W. Wysoczański. Językowy оbraz świata w porównaniach zleksykalizowanych. 126-131
2008, 4 Yakov G. Testelets A. Pereltsvaig. Copular sentences in Russian. A theory of intra-clausal relations. 131-136
2008, 4 Vadim B. Krys’ko Typographical typicon: Typicon with contacarium (end of 11-th – beginning of 12-th century). 136-146
2008, 4 Alexander B. Letuchiy D.A. Peterson. Applicative constructions. 147-151
2008, 4 L.L. Fedorova International conference «Stereotypes in language, communication and culture». 152-154
2008, 4 Nikolai N. Kazansky XIX annual Indo-European conference (Los-Angeles, 2–3 November 2007). 155-157
2008, 3 Elena V. Paducheva Imperfective of negation in Russian. 3-21