Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2014, 6 Anatolii A. Polikarpov, Nadezhda K. Onipenko V International congress «Russian language: Historic development and modern times» at MSU. 142-151
2014, 6 Nataliya V. Kozlovskaya International scientific conference dedicated to 150 years from the birth of A.A. Shakhmatov. 151-156
2014, 6 Index of the papers published in «Voprosy jazykoznanija» in 2014. 157-159
2014, 5 Elena V. Paducheva Non-standard negations in Russian: external, shifted, global and radical negation. 3-23
2014, 5 Boris А. Uspenskij From the history of Slavic Bible: Slavic-Hebrew language contacts in medieval Russia (based on Nomina sacra). 24-55
2014, 5 Alexandra L. Poljan Hebrew of the III–XIX cc. as a «dormant language». 56-67
2014, 5 Peter M. Arkadiev Criteria for finiteness and morphosyntax of Lithuanian participles. 68-96
2014, 5 Marija L. Xačatur’jan Nominal number in Mano (South Mande) 97-121
2014, 5 Vadim B. Krys’ko On the edition of the Scete patericon. 122-148
2014, 5 Jurij А. Klejner P. Garde. L’accent. Deuxième édition corrigée et augmentée. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2013. 169 p. 149-153
2014, 5 Peter M. Arkadiev D. Brown, M. Chumakina, G.G. Corbett (eds). Canonical morphology and syntax. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2013. xiv + 312 p. ISBN 978-0-19-960432-6. 153-159
2014, 4 Viktor S. Xrakovskij Does Russian imperfective have repetitive (frequentative / iterative / habitual) meaning?. 3-12
2014, 4 Olga E. Pekelis Infinitive vs. čtoby-clause: Choosing the strategy of sentential argument marking in Russian. 13-45
2014, 4 Peter M. Arkadiev The system of pluperfect forms in Shapsug dialect of Adyghe. 46-65
2014, 4 Anna Yu. Urmanchieva Evidential markers in Selkup: Semantic and pragmatic factors in the description of verbal categories. 66-86
2014, 4 Boris L. Iomdin Polysemous words in and out of the context 87-103
2014, 4 Maria A. Klyucheva Sokyrtaga «blind ram» and šorykjol «sheep’s leg»: On the etymology of the names of a Mari game and festival. 104-113
2014, 4 Aleksandr A. Xolodovič Morphological description as calculus. 114-132
2014, 4 Aleksandr G. Kozincev U.T. Fitch. The evolution of language / Translated from English and edited by E.N. Panov, afterword by E.N. Panov and A.D. Košelev. M.: Languages of Russian culture, 2013. 768 с. ISBN 978-5-9551-0660-1. 133-139
2014, 4 Elena V. Perexval’skaja A. Idström, E. Piirainen, T.F.M. Falzett (eds). Endangered metaphors. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2012. vi + 376 p. (Cognitive linguistic studies in cultural contexts, 2.). 140-145