Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2015, 5 Larisa L. Shestakova, Anna S. Kuleva International scientific conference «The First Grigoriev’s readings: Language creativity: aesthetic, heuristic and pragmatic aspects». 156-160
2015, 4 Tatiana M. Nikolaeva On the «linguistics of speech». 7-20
2015, 4 Magomed I. Magomedov, Arsen K. Abdulaev, Annie Gagliardi, Maria Polinsky The acquisition of noun classes in Tsez. 21-36
2015, 4 Maria A. Klyucheva Towards the etymology of a Mari game mituli. 37-59
2015, 4 Sergey Yu. Boroday On the Indo-European worldview. 60-90
2015, 4 Ivan A. Stenin I. A. Nikolaeva’s Tundra Nenets grammar and some issues in Samoyedic descriptive studies. 91-133
2015, 4 Oleg S. Volkov D. V. Sitchinava. Tipologiya plyuskvamperfekta. Slavyanskij plyuskvamperfekt [Pluperfect typology. Pluperfect in the Slavic languages]. Moscow: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2013. 384 p. ISBN 978-5-462-01617-2. 134-138
2015, 4 Alexander I. Falileyev J. Carroll, D. Parsons (eds). Perceptions of place: Twenty-first-century interpretations of English place-name studies. Nottingham: English Place-Name Society, 2013. xxxvii, 474 p. ISBN 978-0-904889-86-4. 139-144
2015, 4 Vasily I. Suprun XIV International сonference «Onomastics of Volga Region». 145-146
2015, 4 Rodmonga K. Potapova, Vsevolod V. Potapov XVI International conference SPECOM’2014 «Speech and computer». 147-154
2015, 4 Maria Yu. Pupynina, Arzhaana A. Syuryun International conference «System changes in the languages of Russia». 154-157
2015, 4 Marina Yu. Snesareva Celtic studies in Poland: Poznań conference chronicle. 158-160
2015, 3 Vladimir M. Alpatov Linguistics: what and how?. 7-21
2015, 3 Alexey A. Gippius, Andrey A. Zaliznyak Birchbark letters from Novgorod excavations of 2014. 22-31
2015, 3 Vladimir A. Dybo Paradigmatic accent systems. 32-51
2015, 3 Ekaterina A. Lyutikova, Asya Pereltsvaig Noun phrase structure in articleless languages: universality and variation. 52-69
2015, 3 Irina V. Novitskaya Derivational synonymy in the old Germanic languages (a case study of Gothic, Old Icelandic and Old High German). 70-89
2015, 3 Sonya B. Yampolskaya Avtonomizmus, socializmus and idiotizmus: European loanwords in Hebrew, 1917—1918. 90-109
2015, 3 Peter M. Arkadiev [Review of:] M. M. Makartsev. Evidentsial’nost’ v prostranstve balkanskogo teksta [Evidentiality in the space of the Balkan text]. Moscow; St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, 2014. 444 p. ISBN 978-5-7576-0271-4. 110-116
2015, 3 Maria V. Shkapa I. A. Seržant, L. Kulikov (eds). The diachronic typology of non-canonical subjects. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2013. XXVI + 354 p. (Studies in language companion series, 140). ISBN 978-90-272-0607-7* 1. 116-121