Towards the description of multiword connectives in Russian: ne tol’ko… no i ‘not only… but also’

2016. №2, 37-60

Olga Inkova
Geneva University, Geneva, Switzerland;
Institute of Informatics Problems of the FRC CSC, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119333, Russian Federation


This article discusses the description of multiword connectives in Russian on the example of ne tol’ko… no i ‘not only... but also’, a connective with a high degree of variability. In order to achieve a non-contradictory and systematic solution, the author proposes to separate the two levels of analysis— conceptual and linguistic, i. e. the type of logical-semantic relation and the means that the language has for its expression respectively. The relation established by ne tol’ko... no i can be defined as a relation of non-uniqueness; the minimal item capable of expressing it is the particle ne tol’ko ‘not only’. All other means of connection formed on its basis with the conjunctions a ‘and / but’ and no ‘but’ (and various kinds of particles) do not belong to the system of language: they represent speech realizations dependent on the speaker’s communicative purpose, preceding context and semantic content the speaker has chosen for this a type of syntactic structure and intends to express.