Год / Выпуск Авторы Заголовок Стр.
1999, 5 V.V. Krasnyanskii [Review of:] Redkie slova v proizvedeniyakh avtorov XIX veka. Slovar’-spravochnik [Rare words in the works of the XIX century authors. A dictionary] 138-144
1999, 1 N.Yu. Shvedova Some theoretical results of the work over the "Russian semantic dictionary" 3-16
1999, 1 M.I. Chernysheva, Yu.N. Filippovich Historical and lexicological (thematic) investigation: An experimental study based on informational technology 56-83
1998, 5 G.V. Zubko [Review of:] V.T. Klokov. Slovar’ frantsuzskogo yazyka v Afrike. Lingvostranovedcheskie osobennosti [A dictionary of African French. Linguocultural aspects]. Saratov, 1996. 117-120
1998, 3 L.M. Gorodilova A dictionary of linguistic sources of the Yenisseian Siberia of the 17th century 134-140
1998, 2 Mark M. Makovskij [Review of:] D.O. Dobrovol’skij. Nemetsko-russkii slovar’ zhivykh idiom [German-Russian dictionary of living idioms] 134-139
1997, 6 V.Z. Sannikov [Review of:] Yu.D. Apresjan et al. Novyi ob”yasnitel’nyi slovar’ sinonimov russkogo yazyka [New explanatory dictionary of Russian synonyms]. Moscow: Shkola “Yazyki Russkoi Kul’tury”, 1997 134-137
1997, 5 A.N. Shalamova Dictionary of the Russian language of the 11th-17th centuries: Problems and results (founded on the materials of the published volumes) 35-54
1997, 4 V.D. Boyarkina [Review of:] F. P.  Sorokoletov (ed.). Natsional’nye leksiko-frazeologicheskie fondy [The national lexico-phraseological card-indices]. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1995 150-153
1997, 3 K.B. Baburina Ethnolinguistic aspect in historical lexicography; 48-52