Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 1998. No. 2

Elena V. Uryson
Linguistic image of the world vs. common-sense ideas
3 - 21
V.P. Konetskaya
Axioms, rules and hypotheses in lexicology
22 - 37
F. Hundsnurscher
Principles, development and perspectives of the dialogue analysis
38 - 50
R. Marojević
Studies on the grammar of Old Russian. II. Possessives of the type “Tvorimirič”
51 - 59
Roman N. Krivko
Old Russian orthography in the 11th century and in the beginning of the 12th century in the light of suprasegmental timbre oppositions
60 - 78
Maria V. Ivanova
Old Russian agiography in the end of the 14th century and in the 15th century as a source for the history of literary Russian
79 - 87
Nikolaj V. Percov
On the problem of the invariant of grammatical meaning. II. The imperative in Russian
88 - 101
Yu.A. Pupynin
Elements of temporal and aspectual system in child speech
102 - 117
Rodmonga K. Potapova, T.A. Gordeeva
On juncture in contemporary German (founded on the materials of regional German dialects of Germany, Austria and Switzerland)
118 - 128
Vadim B. Krys’ko, A.N. Shalamova
[Review of:] Fałowski A. (Hrsg.). “Ein Rusch Boeck...”: Ein Russisch-Deutsches anonymes Wörter- und Gesprächsbuch aus dem XVI. Jahrhundert; Fałowski A. "Ein Rusch Boeck...": rosyjsko-niemiecki anonimowy słownik i rozmówki z XVI wieku. Analiza językowa
129 - 134
Mark M. Makovskij
[Review of:] D.O. Dobrovol’skij. Nemetsko-russkii slovar’ zhivykh idiom [German-Russian dictionary of living idioms]
134 - 139
A.V. Morozova
[Review of:] М. Haspelmath. Indefinite Pronouns
139 - 142
Academic life
Academic life

Chronicle notes
143 - 155
A.D. Dulichenko
A letter to the editors
155 - 159