Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 1997. No. 3

V.M. Zhivov, Alan Timberlake
Adieu to structuralism (some proposals for discussion)
3 - 14
Arto Mustajoki
Is grammar based on semantics possible?
15 - 25
M.V. Šul’ga
The Slavonic grammatical gender: Privative opposition
26 - 39
T.V. Bulygina, Alexei D. Shmelev
Reference and the meaning of the expressions “mjasopust” (“mjasopustnaja nedelja”) and “syropust” (“syropustnaja nedelja”)
40 - 47
K.B. Baburina
Ethnolinguistic aspect in historical lexicography;
48 - 52
I.G. Dobrodomov
Once more on “Kurjane svedomi kъmeti” in the Igor Tale
53 - 62
A.M. Moldovan
Lexical aspects in the history of Church Slavonic
63 - 75
R. Marojević
Methodological problems in the reconstruction of Old Slavonic toponyms (derivational-semantic and derivational-phonetic aspects)
76 - 88
K.A. Maksimovich
Glosses and interpolations in the Ephraim kormchaya (12th century)
89 - 94
Wolf Dietrich
The historical development of New Greek in comparison with the formation of the Romance languages from Vulgar Latin
95 - 114
L.E. Kalnyn’
The Russian dialects in contemporary linguistic situation and their dynamics
115 - 124
M.Yu. Chertkova, Vladimir A. Plungian, A.A. Ryabchikov, D.O. Kuznecov
Answers to the questionnaire of the aspectological seminar at the philological faculty of the Moscow State University
125 - 135
A.D. Shveitser
[Review of:] Аmericana. English-Russian linguo-geographical dictionary
136 - 141
V.Z. Demyankov
[Review] M.M. Makovskij. Comparative dictionary of mythological symbols in Indo-European languages. The image of the world and worlds of images
141 - 144
Vera I. Podlesskaya
[Review] Т. Givón. Functionalism and grammar
144 - 150
Vasily I. Suprun
[Review] Russian onomastics and onomastics of Russia: A dictionary
150 - 153