2013, 2 |
Kirill A. Kožanov, Mikhail V. Oslon |
[Review of:] V. Šapoval. Gypsy loan words in slang dictionaries. Criteria of a trustworthy description. Saarbrücken: Lambert аcademic рublishing, 2011. |
146-149 |
2012, 2 |
Aimgul’ K. Kazkenova, Ruslan U. Arziev |
On grammatical adaptation of verbs with borrowed stems in typologically divergent languages (case studies of Russian and Uyghur). |
109-118 |
2011, 6 |
Andrei A. Gorbov |
On some problems of interpretation of foreign-language material in describing new loanwords in Russian. |
29-40 |
2011, 6 |
Ekaterina Rakhilina, Daria Ryzhova |
M. Haspelmath, U. Tadmor (eds.). Loanwords in the world’s languages: A comparative handbook. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2009. |
126-133 |
2009, 3 |
V.A. Livshits |
Some Iranian borrowings in Old and Modern Russian. |
72-75 |
2009, 3 |
Irma I. Mullonen |
Atlas of substrate and borrowed lexicon in North-Western Russian. |
150-154 |
2008, 6 |
Viktor V. Šapoval |
New «Romani elements» in Russian argot dictionaries. |
49-77 |
2008, 1 |
Alexandr V. Zelenin |
Typology of lexical loans in the émigré press. |
85-120 |
2007, 5 |
Viktor V. Šapoval |
Gypsy elements in the Russian thievs’ cant? (thoughts on acad. A.P. Barranikov’s article of 1931). |
108-128 |
2007, 1 |
R.A. Tadinova |
The reflexes of velar consonants of Turkic loan-words in Nakh-Daghestan languages. |
62-74 |