Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2009, 6 S.Kh. Shikhalieva International conference «Caucasian languages: genetic, typological and areal relations». 144-146
2009, 6 S.N. Borunova, O.E. Karmakova The V.N. Sidorov memorial conference. 146-148
2009, 6 Peter M. Arkadiev International conference «Formal approaches to Slavic linguistics». 148-150
2009, 6 Natalia N. Zanegina, Yulia S. Kapitanova The 2009 V.V. Vinogradov memorial conference. 151-153
2009, 6 T.G. Skrebtsova History of cognitive linguistics. 153-155
2009, 6 Index of papers published in 2009. 156-158
2009, 5 Tatiana V. Chernigovskaya, K. Gor, T.I. Svistunova, Tatiana Ye. Petrova, M.G. Khrakovskaya Mental lexicon in the language system disintegration caused by aphasia: an experimental research un verbal morphology. 3-17
2009, 5 Natalia V. Kuznetsova Suprasegmental phonology of Soikkola Ingrian: a typological approach. 18-47
2009, 5 Nina R. Dobrushina Optative semantic field in Nakh-Daghestanian. 48-75
2009, 5 Valeri S. Panfilov Conjuncts and prepositions in Chinese. 76-89
2009, 5 Yu.Ya. Burmistrovich Positionally conditioned palatalizations and palatations of velars in Proto-Slavic. 90-113
2009, 5 Vladimir M. Alpatov Rozalia Osipovna Shor 114-131
2009, 5 Pavel Iosad A.A. Zalizniak. Old Russian enclitics. 132-136
2009, 5 K.A. Chernigovskaya [Review of:] V.M. Alpatov, P.M. Arkadiev, V.I. Podlesskaya. Theoretical grammar of Japanese. 136-141
2009, 5 Viktor V. Šapoval I.G. Dobrodomov, I.A. Pilshchikov. Vocabulary and phraseology of Eugene Onegin: hermeneutical essays. 141-143
2009, 4 Andrey A. Zaliznyak, Valentin L. Janin Novgorod birch bark letters from the 2008 excavations. 3-12
2009, 4 Ekaterina Rakhilina, Lee Su Hyoun Semantics of lexical plurality in Russian. 13-40
2009, 4 Alexander B. Letuchiy Typology of labile verbs. 41-71
2009, 4 T.L. Popova-Bottineau Ordering of Russian bylo particle in a communicative perspective. 72-86
2009, 4 Leonid L. Kasatkin Perception of speech sounds in different phonetic positions. 87-91