Year / Number Authors Title Pages
1989, 4 V.I. Shakhovskii [Review of:] Telia V. N. Connotative aspect of semantics of the nominative units 164-166
1989, 4 Я.Я. Розенберг [Review of:] Bergmane A., Blinkena A. Latviešu rakstības attīstība. Latviešu literārās valodas vēstures pētījumi 166-170
1989, 4 A.I. Moiseev [Review of:] Miloslavskij I. G. A short practical grammar of the Russian language 170-171
1989, 3 L.R. Zinder Some remarks on interlevel correlation in linguistics 5-7
1989, 3 Б. Хурьх Phonetics and phonology or phonology and phonetics 8-14
1989, 3 L.V. Bondarko The phonetic fund of modern Russian 15-19
1989, 3 B.I. Tatarincev On the compatibility of the Nostratic theory with data obtained from the study of the Turkic languages 20-32
1989, 3 A.R. Bomhard A survey of the comparative phonology of the so-called «Nostratic» languages 33-50
1989, 3 T.V. Bulygina, Alexei D. Shmelev The spatial-temporal localization as a supercategory of the sentence 51-61
1989, 3 Ли Тоан Тханг The spatial orientation in Vietnamese in connection with the picture of the world («Weltbild») (Ethnopsychological problems) 62-73
1989, 3 Anatoly N. Baranov Axiological strategy in the structure of language (paremiology and word-stock) 74-90
1989, 3 L.E. Kalnyn’, G.P. Klepikova On the importance of multilanguage atlases for the study of the Slavic dialect continuum 91-103
1989, 3 P.A. Florenskij The term (Еnd) 104-117
1989, 3 Oleg N. Trubachev Activities of the linguistic section at the X International Congress of slavists 118-128
1989, 3 У.Р. Шмальстиг [Review of:] Saxokia M. M. Possessive, transitive and ergative constructions. Typological comparison of Old Persian, Old Armenian and Old Georgian 129-131
1989, 3 E.S. Kubryakova [Review of:] Ulrich M. Thetisch und Kategorisch. Funktionen der Anordnung von Satzkonstituenten am Beispiel des Rumanischen und anderer Sprachen 131-133
1989, 3 Л.Л. Нелюбин [Review of:] Automatic analysis of the scientific text 133-135
1989, 3 В.М. Лейчик, Serguey D. Shelov [Review of:] Nikitina S. E. Semantic analysis of the language of science 135-140
1989, 3 С.И. Богданов, А.В. Голубева [Review of:] Kuznecova A. I., Efremova T. F. Morpheme dictionary of the Russian language 140-144
1989, 3 Lyubov’ V. Kurkina [Review of:] Rigler J. Rasprave о slovenskem jeziku 145-148