Год / Выпуск Авторы Заголовок Стр.
1999, 3 Alexei L. Shilov Is there Scandinavian toponymy in Karelia? (The importance of toponymic data for solving ethno-historical problems) 109-118
1999, 1 Vladimir M. Alpatov [Review of:] L.J. Loveday. Language contact in Japan. A socio-linguistic history 158-161
1998, 5 G.V. Zubko [Review of:] V.T. Klokov. Slovar’ frantsuzskogo yazyka v Afrike. Lingvostranovedcheskie osobennosti [A dictionary of African French. Linguocultural aspects]. Saratov, 1996. 117-120
1998, 4 M.Sh. Khalilov Chronological stratification of Georgian lexical elements in Daghestanian languages 69-81
1998, 4 V. Chirikba On Abkhazian loans in the Mingrelian language 128-142
1998, 3 Alexei L. Shilov Toponymy of Karelia from the point of view of substrat toponymy of Russian North: On the origin of the hydroformant “-en(’)ga” 107-114
1997, 6 Alexei L. Shilov Areal links of toponymy in Zavolochye and geographical terminology of the Zavoloshka Chudes 3-21
1997, 5 Ingrid Maier Russian verbal rection in the 17th century: The problem of original phenomena and influence of the translated text (founded on the materials of “Vesti-Kuranty”) 87-101
1997, 4 V.M. Zhivov Some remarks on the historical syntax of the Russian language (On the book: G. Hüttl-Folter. Syntaktische Studien zur neueren russischen Literatursprache. Die frühen Übersetzungen aus dem Französischen. Böhlau Verlag. Wien; Köln; Weimar, 1996.) 58-69
1997, 4 A.N. Tikhonov [Review of:] Contactological encyclopaedic dictionary. I. The Northern region. The languages of peoples of the North, Siberia arid the Far East in their contacts with the Russian language 147-150