Год / Выпуск Авторы Заголовок Стр.
1999, 4 V.G. Demianov [Review of:] S. Mengel. Wege der Herausbildung der Wortbildungsnorm im Ostslawischen des 11-17. Jahrhunderts 137-141
1999, 2 V.N. Shaposhnikov On the territorial and functional structure of the Russian language in the end of the XX century 50-57
1998, 6 L.E. Kalnyn’ Inclusion of dialectisms in the text of the belles-lettres as a kind of contact between dialectal and literary forms of the Russian language 58-68
1998, 5 A.A. Pletneva Discussion on Old Church Slavonic in the end of the 19th century. Position of advocates of the archaic theory 67-73
1996, 6 V.M. Zhivov, Helmut Keipert The importance of I.V. Paus's grammar for the development of Russian grammatical tradition 3-30
1995, 3 A.A. Kerimova The main trends in the development of contemporary Tajik literary language 118-126
1995, 1 Vladimir M. Alpatov The literary language in Russia and Japan (an experiment in comparative analysis) 93-116
1994, 3 Soia Koester-Thoma [Review of:] Sprachlicher Substandard I–III. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1986–1990 150-154
1992, 1 Alexander A. Sokolyansky Problems of historical orthoepy of the Russian language (In connection with the publication of M.V. Panov’s book “History of the Russian literary pronunciation in XVIII–XX centuries”) 87-100
1990, 1 K. Lerner The sociolinguistic factors contributing to the evolution of a grammatical category (founded on the material illustrating the history of the Georgian language) 89-100