Year / Number Authors Title Pages
1988, 1 Тamaz V. Gamkrelidze On the system of stops and fricatives in the «Minoan» language as attested by the Greek linear writing of the class B 66-68
1988, 1 T.Ya. Elizarenkova On the morphonology of Hindi (Setting the problem) 69-81
1988, 1 М.К. Румянцев The synthesis of Chinese tones 82-93
1988, 1 Boris А. Uspenskij One of the first grammars of the Russian language (The grammar of Jean Sohier of 1724) 94-109
1988, 1 С.Д. Кацнельсон Notes on Ch. Fillmore's case-theory 110-117
1988, 1 V’ačeslav Vs. Ivanov Contemporary problems of typology (On the new languages of the Amazonian basin); 118-131
1988, 1 A.L. Semenas Linguistic research in China 132-145
1988, 1 Vadim B. Kasevich [Review of:] Antipova A. M. The rhythmic system of the English language 146-149
1988, 1 L.R. Zinder, А.С. Штерн [Review of:] Džaparidze Z. N. Perceptive phonetics (The main problems) 149-152
1988, 1 Р.Г. Котов, Н.К. Рябцева [Review of:] Marčuk Yu. N. Methods of patterning in translation 152-156
1988, 1 A.M. Ščerbak [Review of:] Altaistic studies 157-159
1988, 1 И.Н. Горелов [Review of:] Pavlov V. M. The notion of the lexeme and relations between syntax and word-formation 160-162
1988, 1 Г.П. Ижакевич [Review of:] The Russian language in Byelorussia 162-164
1988, 1 L.P. Kalakuckaja [Review of:] Dictionary of Russian Abbreviations 164-168
1988, 1 М.А. Кумахов [Review of:] Smeets R. Studies in West Circassian phonology and morphology 168-171
1988, 1 Н.А. Мещерский [Review of:] Frančuk V. Yu. The Kiev Chronicle 171-174
1952, 1 B.V. Gornung, V.D. Levin, V.N. Sidorov . 41-64
1952, 1 T.S. Sharadzenidze . 65-79
Prefix Z-: between phonetics and morphemics
Grammaticalization, Pragmaticalization and Lexicalization (a case of Russian constructions including preposition “po”)