Year / Number Authors Title Pages
1988, 2 A.R. Bomhard Recent trends in the reconstruction of the Proto-Indo-European consonant system 5-22
1988, 2 V’ačeslav Vs. Ivanov The structure of linguistics and the study of its language 23-38
1988, 2 В.В. Петров Language and logical theory: search for a new paradigm 39-48
1988, 2 Я.Р. Дашкевич Codex Cumanicus — is it really Cumanicus? 62-74
1988, 2 А.И. Юрченко The interpretation of the principle Old Russian philosophical terms in the Izbornik of 1073 75-90
1988, 2 Eugene M. Vereščagin Creation of new words by Cyrillus and Methodius 91-100
1988, 2 Н.В. Коссек On the textology of translations made by Cyrillus and Methodius 101-108
1988, 2 Н.С. Гринбаум The language of Greek choral lyrics (Results of the investigation) 109-115
1988, 2 L.V. Bondarko, Joy I. Edelman, Tatiana M. Nikolaeva The XI International congress of phonetic sciences 116-122
1988, 2 Georgy A. Klimov, E.S. Kubryakova The XIV International congress of linguists 129-138
1988, 2 В.И. Постовалова, Yu.A. Šreider [Review of:] Stepanov Yu. S. In the three-dimensional space of language. Semiotic problems of linguistics, philosophy, art 139-143
1988, 2 Valerii M. Mokienko [Review of:] Historical typology of the Slavic languages 143-146
1988, 2 I.S. Ulukhanov [Review of:] Theory of grammatical meaning and aspectological studies 146-149
1988, 2 V.E. Orel [Review of:] Hadrovics L. Ungarische Elemente im Serbokroatischen 150-152
1988, 2 N.N. Semenyuk [Review of:] Mironov S. A. History of the Dutch literary language (IX — XVI centuries) 152-155
1988, 2 O.P. Ermakova [Review of:] Tixonov А. N. Derivational dictionary of the Russian language 155-158
1988, 1 А.А. Леонтьев Genesis of semantic theory the Antiquity and the Middle Ages 5-22
1988, 1 Р. Шмитт Pragmatics and systematics in laryngeal theory 23-31
1988, 1 У.Р. Шмальстиг On the Indo-European problem (in connection with the publication of «Indo-European language and the Indo-Europeans» by Th. V. Gamkrelidze and V. V. Ivanov) 32-45
1988, 1 Yu.S. Stepanov The Indo-European sentence: lexical entries in structural schemes 46-65