Year / Number Authors Title Pages
1994, 4 Vadim B. Krys’ko [Review of:] Rozhdestvenskaya T. V. Drevnerusskie nadpisi na stenakh khramov: Novye istochniki XI–XV vv. [Old Russian inscriptions on the walls of temples: New sources of 11th-15th centuries]. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, 1992 148-152
1994, 4 M.S. Kameneva [Review of:] Veretennikov A. A. Ocherki glagol’noi frazeologii persidskogo yazyka [A sketch of verbal phraseology of the Persian language]. Moscow: Nauka, 1993 153-154
1994, 4 Chronicle notes 155-159
1994, 3 Valentin L. Janin, Andrey A. Zaliznyak Birchbark documents from Novgorod excavations of 1990–1993 3-22
1994, 3 S.L. Nikolaev Earlier dialectal division and external links of East Slavonic dialects 23-49
1994, 3 Károly Rédei Influence of Old Church Slavonic on the semantics and syntax of the Old Zyrian language 50-59
1994, 3 Joy I. Edelman Present and future of comparative and historical lexicology of the Iranian languages 60-80
1994, 3 Oleg N. Trubachev Marginalia to M. Mayrhofer’s new “Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen” 81-91
1994, 3 N.A. Kozintseva The category of evidentiality: Problems of typological analysis 92-104
1994, 3 Z.Ya. Turaeva The text-linguistics and the category of modality 105-114
1994, 3 E.E. Kordi Impersonal constructions in contemporary French: Syntactic-derivational and typological approaches 115-128
1994, 3 A.G. Shirokova The linguistic school of Prague and Academician Bohuslav Havránek 129-141
1994, 3 Beatrisa B. Khodorkovskaya [Review of:] Latein und Indogermanisch. Akten des Kolloquiums der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, Salzburg, 23–26 September, 1986 142-146
1994, 3 Vladimir A. Plungian [Review of:] Haspelmath M. A grammar of Lezgian. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1993 146-150
1994, 3 Soia Koester-Thoma [Review of:] Sprachlicher Substandard I–III. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1986–1990 150-154
1994, 3 V.F. Meierov [Review of:] Ivanova V. F. Sovremennaya russkaya orfografiya [Contemporary Russian orthography]. Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola, 1991 154-157
1994, 3 Chronicle notes 158-159
1994, 2 H. Pilch Language or languages? The proper study of the linguist 5-28
1994, 2 A.V. Bondarko The problem of intentionality in grammar (founded on the materials of the Russian language) 29-42
1994, 2 L.H. Babby Noncanonical configurational case assignment strategies 43-74