Год / Выпуск Авторы Заголовок Стр.
1999, 2 Vsevolod V. Potapov On the origin of the verbal rhythm 58-70
1999, 1 Tatiana M. Nikolaeva, I. Fougeron Some observations on the semantics and status of complex sentences with concessive conjunctions 17-36
1998, 4 Yakov G. Testelets, Svetlana Yu. Toldova Reflexive pronouns in Daghestanian languages and the typology of reflexives 35-57
1998, 3 L.M. Savosina Actualizing paradigm of the sentence. Types of communicative tasks and means of their solution (based on the materials of binominative sentences expressing the relations of characterization) 141-150
1998, 3 A.N. Pechnikov Ways of linking predicative units in a compound sentence 151-158
1998, 3 V.G. Demianov [Review of:] I. Maier. Verbalrektion in den “Vesti-Kuranty” (1600–1660). Eine historisch-philologische Untersuchung zur mittelrussischen Syntax 177-181
1997, 6 Ekaterina A. Lyutikova Reflexives and emphasis 49-74
1997, 6 Elena L. Rudnitskaya Problems of Altaic coordination in the Korean language 89-99
1997, 5 Ingrid Maier Russian verbal rection in the 17th century: The problem of original phenomena and influence of the translated text (founded on the materials of “Vesti-Kuranty”) 87-101
1997, 4 V.M. Zhivov Some remarks on the historical syntax of the Russian language (On the book: G. Hüttl-Folter. Syntaktische Studien zur neueren russischen Literatursprache. Die frühen Übersetzungen aus dem Französischen. Böhlau Verlag. Wien; Köln; Weimar, 1996.) 58-69