Год / Выпуск Авторы Заголовок Стр.
2016, 1 Ekaterina N. Vinogradova Grammaticalization in Russian: from noun to preposition (a case study of body part names). 25-50
2016, 1 Ekaterina R. Dobrushina Construction Grammar in contemporary Russian linguistics 133-145
2015, 6 Vadim V. Dementyev «Speech genre» theory and actual processes in contemporary speaking. 78-107
2015, 5 Elena V. Paducheva Ontological classification of verbs and the semantics of Russian conjunction poka ‘while’. 7-25
2015, 5 Michail Ya. Dymarsky «Counter-optative» infinitive constructions in Russian: Aspect, tense, person, and variation of the categorial meaning. 26-48
2015, 5 Dmitry M. Savinov Stressed vowel systems in Southern Russian as a source for linguistic reconstruction. 87-103
2015, 5 Michail L. Kotin G. Hentschel, O. Taranenko, S. Zaprudski (Hrsg.). Trasjanka und Suržyk — gemischte weißrussisch- russische und ukrainisch-russische Rede. Sprachlicher Inzest in Weißrussland und in der Ukraine? Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2014. 394 S. 136-141
2015, 5 Ilya B. Itkin E. R. Dobrushina. Korpusnyye issledovaniya po morfemnoi, grammaticheskoi i leksicheskoi semantike russkogo yazyka [Corpus-based studies on morphemic, grammatical and lexical semantics of Russian]. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo PSTGU, 2014. 270 p. ISBN 978-5-7429-0925-5. 142-150
2015, 4 Maria A. Klyucheva Towards the etymology of a Mari game mituli. 37-59
2015, 2 Ekaterina R. Dobrushina, Dmitri V. Sitchinava A drifting norm, or microdiachronic adventures of the word ixnij ‘their’ in Russian, Ukranian and Belorussian. 41-54