1998, 6 |
Yu.N. Marchuk |
[Review of:] R. K. Potapova. Speech: communication, information, cybernetics |
106-110 |
1998, 6 |
E. Günter |
[Review of:] S. Koester-Thoma, Е. A. Zemskaja (Hrsg.). Russische Umgangssprache. Phonetik, Morphologie, Syntax, Wortbildung, Wortstellung, Lexik, Nomination, Sprachspiel |
110-112 |
1998, 5 |
Yu.V. Shcheka |
[Review of:] Turkic languages, 1997, No. 1, Vol. 1 |
106-109 |
1998, 5 |
Nina R. Sumbatova |
[Review of:] V.A. Vinogradov (ed.). Osnovy afrikanskogo yazykoznaniya. Imennye kategorii [Principles of African linguistics. Nominal categories]. Мoscow, 1997 |
110-117 |
1998, 5 |
G.V. Zubko |
[Review of:] V.T. Klokov. Slovar’ frantsuzskogo yazyka v Afrike. Lingvostranovedcheskie osobennosti [A dictionary of African French. Linguocultural aspects]. Saratov, 1996. |
117-120 |
1998, 3 |
Lyubov’ V. Kurkina |
[Review of:] М. Snoj. Slovenski etimološki slovar. Ljubljana, 1997 |
165-170 |
1998, 3 |
Galina G. Tyapko |
[Review of:] G. Neshchimenko (ed.). Teoreticheskie i metodologicheskie problemy sopostavitel’nogo izucheniya slavyanskikh yazykov [Theoretical and methodological problems of contrastive study of Slavic languages] |
170-177 |
1998, 3 |
V.G. Demianov |
[Review of:] I. Maier. Verbalrektion in den “Vesti-Kuranty” (1600–1660). Eine historisch-philologische Untersuchung zur mittelrussischen Syntax |
177-181 |
1998, 3 |
R.S. Manucharyan |
[Review of:] I.S. Ulukhanov. Edinitsy slovoobrazovatel’noi sistemy russkogo yazyka i ikh leksicheskaya realizatsiya [Units of word-formation system of Russian and their lexical realization] |
181-183 |
1998, 3 |
Vladimir A. Plungian |
[Review of:] Selected essays of Catherine V. Chvany |
183-187 |