Год / Выпуск Авторы Заголовок Стр.
2018, 3 Elena L. Berezovich, Olesia D. Surikova Reconstructing the lexicon of imprecations: The category of actor and peculiarities of its textual implementation (with special reference to Russian dialectal vocabulary). 89-111
2018, 2 Alexander B. Letuchiy Russian constructions with semi-auxiliary verbs and adjectives: The puzzle of complement clause. 7-28
2018, 2 Igor M. Boguslavsky Expressions denoting parts of the whole in Russian. 29-52
2018, 2 Natalia M. Stoynova Reflexives in dependent clauses in Modern Nanai: Contact-induced structural change and language attrition 71-98
2018, 2 Sergei G. Tatevosov O. Kagan. Scalarity in the verbal domain: The case of verbal prefixation in Russian. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 278 p. ISBN 9781107092624. 139-144
2018, 1 Anna Endersen, Laura A. Janda An experimental study of Russian possible verbs prefixed in o- and u- 45-63
2018, 1 Maja V. Vsevolodova Verbal aspect, nominal temporality, and their interaction. 91-104
2018, 1 Viktor S. Xrakovskij Aspect’s “sore points” revisited once more. 105-118
2017, 6 Polina M. Eismont “How to grow big”: Predicative adjectives in Russian child language. 65-78
2017, 6 Elena M. Konitskaya N. R. Dobrushina. Soslagatělnoje nakloněnije v russkom jazyke: opyt issledovanija grammatičeskoj semantiki [Subjunctive moоd in Russian: A study of grammatical semantics]. Praha: Animedia Company, 2016. ISBN 978-80-7499-231-5. 115-121