1997, 6 |
Elena L. Rudnitskaya |
Problems of Altaic coordination in the Korean language |
89-99 |
1995, 6 |
Vera I. Podlesskaya |
Implicative structures: some problems of typological classification |
77-84 |
1995, 2 |
Galina A. Zolotovа |
Monopredicativity and polypredicativity in Russian syntax |
99-109 |
1992, 4 |
Vera I. Podlesskaya |
Towards a typology of predicative coordination |
90-102 |
1990, 1 |
G.Ts. Pjurbeev |
[Review of:] Skribnik E. K. Polypredicative synthetic sentences in the Buriat language: structural and semantic description |
165-168 |
1989, 5 |
В.А. Белошапкова |
[Review of:] Čeremisina M. I., Kolosova Т. A. Essays on the theory of the composite sentence; |
144-148 |