Semantics of linguistic sign in the light of the asymmetrical dualism theory: Possible extensions

2023. №1, 151-168

Suren T. Zolyan
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia;


We address a possible development of a semiotic theory based on the principle of asymmetric dualism proposed by S. Kartsevsky. We identify its differences from the Saussurean view of sign and demonstrate that, while Kartsevsky adopts the principle of differentiation, he supplements it with a dynamic understanding of intrasystem relations. This makes it possible to construct multidimensional semiotic models describing how new meanings are generated due to the sign’s asymmetric dualism. We consider the semantics of linguistic sign as a structure in the state of dynamic equilibrium. Thus, we clarify Kartsevsky’s concept of transposition, supplementing it with a concept of disposition (situation of the initial semiosis).

For citation:

Zolyan S. T. Semantics of linguistic sign in the light of the asymmetrical dualism theory: Possible extensions. Voprosy Jazykoznanija, 2023, 1: 151–168.


This research was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation, project 22-18-00591 “Pragma-semantics as an interface and operational system of meaning production”.