Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2007, 2 Mark M. Makovskij Mythopoetical studies. 35-56
2007, 2 Fedor I. Rozhanskiy Reduplication and names of animals in African languages. 57-66
2007, 2 Yang Jie Trans-Baikal prepigin. A sociolinguistic study. 67-74
2007, 2 Sergej S. Saj Reflexive constructions of «omitted object» in Russian. A pragmatic view. 75-91
2007, 2 Konstantin I. Kazenin Some constraints on ellipsis in Russian. 92-107
2007, 2 A.V. Sakharova Contensive parameters in the use of short participles of some stative verbs in the Old Russian chronicle. 108-126
2007, 2 V. V. Ponariadov Dialectal differentiation in the Old Turkic language of the Yenissei runic inscriptions. 127-132
2007, 2 Yury A. Lander [Review of:] N. Evans. Bininj Gun-wok: A pan-dialectal grammar of Mayali, Jinwinjku and Kune. V. 1–2. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, 2003. 133-137
2007, 2 Nina R. Dobrushina B. Hansen, P. Karlík (eds.). Modality in Slavonic languages. New perspectives. 137-142
2007, 2 Ilya A. Gruntov [Review of:] J. Janhunen (ed.) The Mongolic languages. London: Routledge, 2003. 143-145
2007, 2 B. Wiemer T.A. Maisak. Grammaticalization of constructions with verbs of motion and verbs of position. A typological study. 145-151
2007, 2 Sergei G. Tatevosov The Third International conference on the formal description of the Altai languages. 152-154
2007, 2 D. A. Paperno Jubilee conference devoted to the 50-fh. Anniversary of the seminar «Some uses of mathematical methods in linguistics». 154-156
2007, 2 Sergei Yu. Dmitrenko Problems of typology and general linguistics: A conference devoted to the centenary of A. A. Kholodovich. 156-159
2007, 1 K.-H. Schmidt Some thoughts on the comparative and historical analysis of the Celtic word-stock. 3-17
2007, 1 M. Guiraud-Weber The use of nouns as nominative predicates in contemporary Russian: is it yet possible to speak of the semantic opposition «nominative vs. instrumental case»? 18-26
2007, 1 Tsiang-Huang Chang Aspectual semantic components in the meanings of nouns in Russian. 27-43
2007, 1 E.V. Prozorova The Russian gesture language as subject of linguistic study. 44-61
2007, 1 R.A. Tadinova The reflexes of velar consonants of Turkic loan-words in Nakh-Daghestan languages. 62-74
2007, 1 G.F. Blagova The galaxy of like-minded orientalists opposing the views of the new and old Orientalistic schools (the first decades of the XX centuriy). 75-102