Year / Number Authors Title Pages
1995, 4 Dusmamat S. Kulmamatov Middle-Asian business-documents in Russian translation of the 17th century as a source for the history of the Russian language 101-110
1995, 4 A.D. Dulichenko Principles of Jacob Linzbach’s philosophical language (On the sources of linguosemantics) 111-122
1995, 4 E.P. Zaxarova, M.A. Kormilicina Problems of functional and stylistic differentiation of the Russian literary language in the works of the Saratov linguists 123-131
1995, 4 V.G. Demianov [Review of:] Dictionary of the Russian language of the 9th-17th centuries, fascicles 1-20 132-136
1995, 4 V.I. Čuglov [Review of:] Yu.I. Chaykina. Dictionary of geographic names of the Vologda region: The locatities 136-138
1995, 4 Eugene A. Helimski [Reivew of:] K.Н. Меnges. Drei Schamanengesänge der Ewenki-Tungusen Nord-Sibiriens 139-141
1995, 4 A.I. Kuznecova [Review of:] László Honti. Die Grundzahlwörter der uralischen Sprachen 142-144
1995, 4 Andrei Sideltsev [Review of:] Indo-European numerals 145-148
1995, 3 Elena V. Uryson Fundamental abilities of man and naïve "anatomy" 3-16
1995, 3 Valentina Apresjan DLJA ‘for’ and RADI ‘for the sake of’: common features and differences 17-27
1995, 3 Aleksandr E. Kibrik, E.A. Bogdanova Russian SAM ‘oneself’ as an operator of correction of the hearer’s expectations 28-47
1995, 3 L.A. Sergievskaya Modality of the compound and complex sentences with imperative meaning in contemporary Russian 48-55
1995, 3 V.Z. Sannikov The pun as a semantic phenomenon 56-69
1995, 3 E.A. Ivančikova F.M. Dostoevsky’s “Raw Youth”: The lyrical narration 70-76
1995, 3 A.D. Shveitser The history of American English: Moot problems 77-91
1995, 3 M.E. Alekseev On the reconstruction of the Common Daghestanian nominal morphology 92-101
1995, 3 Vladimir B. Ivanov The limits of the word and incapsulation in Persian, Tajik and Dari 102-117
1995, 3 A.A. Kerimova The main trends in the development of contemporary Tajik literary language 118-126
1995, 3 Mark M. Makovskij Compendium of Slavonic and Indo-European etymology (on the twentieth anniversary of the publication of the first fascicle of the “Etymological dictionary of Slavonic languages”) 127-141
1995, 3 Georgy A. Klimov [Review of:] P. Lehmann. Historical linguistics. Third edition 142-145