Год / Выпуск Авторы Заголовок Стр.
2014, 2 Marija A. Xolodilova [Review of:] G.G. Corbett. Features. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2012. xviii + 322 p. 132-137
2014, 2 Aleksandr P. Pečenyj [Review of:] L.A. Janda, A. Endresen, J. Kuznetsova, O. Lyashevskaya, A. Makarova, T. Nesset, S. Sokolova. Why Russian aspectual prefixes aren’t empty: Prefixes as verb classifiers. Bloomington (Indiana): Slavica, 2013. 138-146
2014, 1 Serguey D. Shelov Ideographic dictionary of Russian: The human’s world and human in the world around him (80 concepts related to spiritual, mental and material spheres of human life) // N.Ju. Švedova (ed.). M.: Azbukovnik, 2011. 146-151
2013, 6 Lev S. Klejn Journal of language relationship / Ed. by V.A. Dybo. 2013. № 9. M., LRC, 2013. (RGGU bulletin. Series «Philological sciences. Linguistics». 2013. № 5 (106).). 137-143
2013, 6 Tatiana I. Reznikova R. von Waldenfels. The grammaticalization of ‘give’ + infi nitive. A comparative study of Russian, Polish, and Czech. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2012. 334 p. 144-151
2013, 5 Michael Daniel [Rev. of:] A.A. Kibrik. Reference in Discourse. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2011. 651 p. 118-125
2013, 5 Natalia M. Stoynova J. Nørgård-Sørensen. Russian nominal semantics and morphology. Bloomington (Indiana): Slavica publishers, 2011. 361 p. 125-130
2013, 5 Timur A. Maisak L. Johanson, M. Robbeets (eds). Copies versus cognates in bound morphology. Leiden: Brill, 2012. xv + 455 p. (Brill’s studies in language, cognition and culture. V. 2.). 130-135
2013, 4 Vladimir M. Alpatov Lev Jakubinskij, une linguistique de la parole (URSS, années 1920–1930) / Textes édités et présentés par I. Ivanova, traductions d’I. Ivanova et P. Sériot. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2012. 334 p.; I. Tylkowski. Vološinov en contexte. Essai d’épistémologie historique. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2012. 380 p. 137-144
2013, 4 Tatiana M. Nikolaeva M.L. Kalenčuk, L.L. Kasatkin, R.F. Kasatkina. Big orthoepic dictionary of Russian. Standard pronunciation and stress in the beginning of the XXI century: norm and its varieties. Moscow: AST-Press Kniga, 2012. 144-148