Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2014. No. 2

Valentina Apresjan
Control and negation: Semantic interaction.
3 - 26
Ilya B. Itkin
A few remarks on the imperfect forms in Tocharian A.
27 - 45
Vladimir B. Ivanov
Towards the classification of nominal forms in South-Western Iranian
46 - 60
Elena A. Šestera
Teleut: Intonation of declarative and interrogative utterances.
61 - 75
Tat’jana V. Dubrovskaja
The discourse of court as a cultural phenomenon: National cultural features in the speech of judges (case studies of court sessions in Russia, England, and Australia).
76 - 88
Elena L. Berezovich
Modern challenges of the semantic and motivational reconstruction of folk toponymy.
89 - 109
Julija L. Kuznecova
Robots, evolution, and construction grammar.
110 - 119
Mexmet Z. Muslimov
E.B. Markus, F.I. Rožanskij. Modern Votic: Texts and grammar: A monography in 2 vol. St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istorija, 2011. 336 + 384 с. ISBN 978-5-98187-833- 6, 978-5-98187-834-3.
120 - 124
Dmitri V. Sitchinava
M. Guiraud-Weber. Essais de syntaxe russe et contrastive. Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l’Université de Provence, 2011. 337 p. (Langues et langage, 17.).
124 - 132
Marija A. Xolodilova
[Review of:] G.G. Corbett. Features. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2012. xviii + 322 p.
132 - 137
Aleksandr P. Pečenyj
[Review of:] L.A. Janda, A. Endresen, J. Kuznetsova, O. Lyashevskaya, A. Makarova, T. Nesset, S. Sokolova. Why Russian aspectual prefixes aren’t empty: Prefixes as verb classifiers. Bloomington (Indiana): Slavica, 2013.
138 - 146
Academic life
Academic life
Valeriy G. Kuznetsov, Ekaterina V. Vel’mezova
19th International congress of linguists.
147 - 153
Natalia M. Stoynova
International conference «Constructional and lexical semantic approaches to Russian».
154 - 157
Viktor V. Timofeev
7th International conference «Phonetics today».
158 - 159