Год / Выпуск Авторы Заголовок Стр.
2000, 3 V.V. Kolesov [Рец. на / Review of:] M. V. Ivanova. Old Russian biographies of Saints (XIV–XV centuries) as a source for the history of the Russian literary language 128-132
1999, 6 L.A. Ilyushina [Review of:] Kniga naritsaema Koz’ma Indikoplov [The Book Called Cosmas Indicopleustes] 139-141
1999, 4 T.A. Sumnikova On nominative forms of pronouns of the first person singular in the Old Russian language and written monuments 91-98
1999, 3 Eugene M. Vereščagin, Vadim B. Krys’ko Some observations on the language and text of an archaic linguistic monument — Eliah's Book (II) 38-59
1999, 2 Eugene M. Vereščagin, Vadim B. Krys’ko Observations on the language and text of an archaic linguistic monument ("The Eliah's Book") 3-26
1998, 5 Eugene M. Vereščagin Two research instruments applied to the concept of the Russian Bible of metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov). To the centenary of the publication of Hildebrandt's concordance to the Psalter 53-66
1998, 5 A.A. Pletneva Discussion on Old Church Slavonic in the end of the 19th century. Position of advocates of the archaic theory 67-73
1998, 3 E.S. Yakovleva On the notion “cultural memory” as applied to word semantics 43-73
1998, 3 E.E. Babaeva Who lives in the “vertep”, or An essay on the reconstruction of the semantic history of a word 94-106
1997, 3 T.V. Bulygina, Alexei D. Shmelev Reference and the meaning of the expressions “mjasopust” (“mjasopustnaja nedelja”) and “syropust” (“syropustnaja nedelja”) 40-47