Год / Выпуск Авторы Заголовок Стр.
2017, 2 Valentina Apresjan Double semantic roles in direct and metaphorical meanings of polysemous verbs. 7-32
2017, 2 Evdokia A. Valova, Natalia Slioussar Syntactic properties of the Russian enclitic že: Corpus-based and experimental approaches. 33-48
2017, 2 Dmitri V. Sitchinava I. A. S eržant, B. W iemer (eds.). Contemporary approaches to dialectology: The area of North, North-West Russian and Belarusian dialects. Bergen: University of Bergen, 2014. 401 p. (Slavica Bergensia 13). ISBN 978-82-90249-38-5. 139-147
2017, 1 Elena V. Paducheva On the semantics of Russian aspect in the context of discourse. 7-23
2017, 1 Elena V. Gorbova Aspectual formation of Russian verbs: Inflection, derivation, or a set of quasigrammemes? (“sore points” of Russian aspectology revisited). 24-52
2017, 1 Alexander B. Letuchiy Russian adverbials with temporal meaning TOL’KO, TOL’KO-TOL’KO, and TOL’KO ČTO: Recent past meaning and resultative semantics. 53-73
2016, 6 Pavel V. Grashchenkov Morphology — a view from syntax. 7-35
2016, 6 Gerd Hentschel Regular variation or «chaos»: The question of usus in mixed linguistic varieties — the case of Belarusian «Trasyanka». 84-112
2016, 6 Sofia Yu. Semenova M. B. Tashlykova. Semanticheskie etyudy o «sintaksicheskoi derivatsii» [Semantic studies on syntactic derivation]. Irkutsk: Izd-vo IGU, 2013. 277 p. ISBN 978-5-9624-0976-4. 130-135
2016, 5 Olga E. Pekelis Pronoun ETO as a means of modifying truth value (a case study of ESLI P, ETO Q ‘if p, it is q’ construction) 49-78