Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2017. No. 6

Anna A. Pichkhadze
Slavic nominative construction with verbs of perception, thought, and speech.
7 - 19
Natalia V. Patroeva
The syntax of 18-century Russian poetry in connection with metrics, strophic organization, and genre.
20 - 41
Vladimir Ž. Jovanović
Formative-semantic models of adjective compounds in English and Serbian
42 - 64
Polina M. Eismont
“How to grow big”: Predicative adjectives in Russian child language.
65 - 78
Yuri B. Koryakov
Language vs. dialect: A lexicostatistic approach.
79 - 101
Sun Shufang, Serguey D. Shelov
Term as a fundamental item of terminology.
102 - 114
Elena M. Konitskaya
N. R. Dobrushina. Soslagatělnoje nakloněnije v russkom jazyke: opyt issledovanija grammatičeskoj semantiki [Subjunctive moоd in Russian: A study of grammatical semantics]. Praha: Animedia Company, 2016. ISBN 978-80-7499-231-5.
115 - 121
Anna A. Zalizniak, Anna A. Smirnitskaya
P. Juvonen, M. Koptjevskaja-Tamm (eds.). The lexical typology of semantic shifts. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2016. viii, 600 p. (Cognitive Linguistics Research, 58.) ISBN 9783-11-037752-1.
122 - 130
Ivan A. Stenin
M. Miestamo, A. Tamm, B. Wagner-Nagy (eds.). Negation in Uralic languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015. ix, 667 p. (Typological Studies in Language, 108.) ISBN 978-9-02720-689-3.
131 - 139
Peter M. Arkadiev
E. Coghill. The rise and fall of ergativity in Aramaic. Cycles of alignment change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. xxii, 381 p. (Oxford Studies in Diachronic and Historical Linguistics, 21.) ISBN 978-0-19-872380-6.
140 - 149
Valerii M. Mokienko
S. G. Shulezhkova, A. A. Osipova (eds.). Daite miru shans! Slovar’ sovremennykh politicheskikh lozungov Rossii i Germanii. Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorskii Dom pechati; Greifswald: Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität, 2016. 300 p. ISBN 978-5-7114-0583-2.
150 - 158

Index of the papers published in “Voprosy Jazykoznanija” in 2017
158 - 160