Год / Выпуск Авторы Заголовок Стр.
2015, 1 Elena V. Gorbova Aspectual formation of Russian verb: prefixation and / or suffixation? 7-38
2015, 1 Andrei A. Gorbov On semantic calquing and ‘secondary borrowing’ in Russian at the turn of the 21st century 87-101
2014, 6 Leonid L. Kasatkin «Tight» and «loose» morpheme junctures. 7-30
2014, 5 Elena V. Paducheva Non-standard negations in Russian: external, shifted, global and radical negation. 3-23
2014, 4 Viktor S. Xrakovskij Does Russian imperfective have repetitive (frequentative / iterative / habitual) meaning?. 3-12
2014, 4 Olga E. Pekelis Infinitive vs. čtoby-clause: Choosing the strategy of sentential argument marking in Russian. 13-45
2014, 2 Tat’jana V. Dubrovskaja The discourse of court as a cultural phenomenon: National cultural features in the speech of judges (case studies of court sessions in Russia, England, and Australia). 76-88
2014, 2 Elena L. Berezovich Modern challenges of the semantic and motivational reconstruction of folk toponymy. 89-109
2014, 2 Dmitri V. Sitchinava M. Guiraud-Weber. Essais de syntaxe russe et contrastive. Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l’Université de Provence, 2011. 337 p. (Langues et langage, 17.). 124-132
2014, 2 Aleksandr P. Pečenyj [Review of:] L.A. Janda, A. Endresen, J. Kuznetsova, O. Lyashevskaya, A. Makarova, T. Nesset, S. Sokolova. Why Russian aspectual prefixes aren’t empty: Prefixes as verb classifiers. Bloomington (Indiana): Slavica, 2013. 138-146